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@stephenbarber Oh dear. Hope it goes away very soon.
Oh how I want to click my heels and be on holiday
I seem to have lost my annual travel card. This is not good.
Just back from a manicure. ooo get me!
@argonaut Being interesting isn't necessarily the main objective
What a very long wait for the doc that was
@blowdart It overheated so I left it outside a pub on the A272.
Remote card sorting tool, anyone?
@melb I can confirm that it is actually miserable out. It doesn't just look it.
I heart Alex James
Why do I always leave 1 thing outside the washing machine?
so engrossed was I with Twitter I nearly didn't get on my train!
Blonde on bus thinks her shopping needs a seat while I stand. Wrong!
la la lala la
First Capital Connect seems to be surprised by winter weather. In December.
@jul14n i'll definitely do that next
If I was a superhero I would be the Procrastinator
The television is telling me too much about Prince Charles. Trying to remember what made me switch it on in the first place.