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X-Men Origins: Wolverine trailer has just arrived in glorious high-def - you'll definitely want to watch this right away!
What the... they're making a sequel to The Phantom?! You've got to be kidding me... THIS is ridiculous!
@gmanreviews Right - I'm just juggling with the differences between, say, Dark Knight that can be watched over and over and Frost/Nixon
@gmanreviews Would you say that makes it a good or bad movie then? I still want/need to see it before the end of the year
@Mr_Carl_Lee What did you think of the Wolverine trailer? Did you like it or not?
AFI's Top 10 Movies of 2008 - Guess what is on their list this year? Not only Iron Man, but The Dark Knight, too!
@willowdiamond It's a new movie made to look very old. It came out in 1995, but it looks like it was made in the 1930s... Go rent it! :)
Wow - Dead Man was fantastic! Thought Johnny Depp was great and everything... Why haven't I been watching more Jim Jarmusch?!
About to watch Jim Jarmusch's Dead Man wih Johnny Depp... Music by Neil Young?! This looks so badass- will report back with my thoughts.
Just watched In Bruges again - such a great movie! Highly underrated too, and it's one of Colin Farrell's best roles
@michael_bay I thought this would've been the 7th time you were honored! You can't seriously tell me you are just now being inducted?!
@rejects I'm questioning whether Darren Aronofsky would be proud or incredibly upset by this news? I'm going for the latter... :)
@rejects Is this an Oscar screener? Or are you watching it in theaters? Don't tell me you're NOT watch this on the big screen man?!
Something to mull (and/or argue about) tonight... Stephen King has listed his top 10 of 2008 and it is a very odd list!
@TheRealTrevor Of course! Will be the first to do so! As long as I'm not otherwise sleeping or in a screening
@rejects I don't know? I thought Stewart was the best host in years, but I can't compare the 2. Jackman is not a TV host - diff personality.
@TheRealTrevor I really have no clue... Fox has been very shady about their plans to put it online... Maybe today? Maybe Monday?
Holy shit... Hugh Jackman is hosting the Oscars?! This is the best news I've heard all damn week! Get the champagne!!
@cathicks Wow... I hope your persistence paid off! When/where can we see this awesome short film then?! :)
Wow another awesome trailer! Gambit looks like a badass in the new Wolverine trailer!!


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