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The kids also seem to sense when I am typing a tweet versus something substantive. How do they do that?
@michellej At that size they're more likely to crush than be crushed, & might tend to get less automated handling. YMMV
@michellej Working for a company that might be the shipper for such an item I've seen a steady stream of TVs go by looking intact.
@MikeG1 I amused Deb one day a few weeks ago by telling one of the kids "don't be Google."
Keystrokes are like magic. Kids completely flipped almost as soon as I finally bothered to go back to typing that e-mail to former client.
@MikeG1 #imposter Yep, 1st time I heard of it I had an aha moment at seeing what I'd always felt described. Let it get too bad past 2 years.
@y2vonne Isn't it Keanu who's going to make the world stop real soon now?
Irritating not to be able to type an e-mail of any substance without kids mothing or even trying to climb on me.
At least supper is leftovers, tempting as it is to cook a ham, so that's easy.
All while remaining awake & keeping a skeptical eye on the kids all day until at least 8:30 PM.
Today I need to do several hours of work in house, get a few hours of catch up sleep, get to sleep by 8 PM...
We start at 2:30 AM instead of 3 effectibe prob Wednesday. Up 1000+ yest, 1000 over that today.
Just a min or 2 shy of 4.5 hrs. Thought it'd be 8 when I pinched out bc supervisor exclaimed it almost 8 a while ago.
@pixxiespaz Ah, see, I never even knew what you were taking apart from computer-related stuff was involved.
Manager nuked the start time issue today by calling everyone and saying it's 3 AM until further notice. Not surprised.
Apparently I am making meatballs for supper, as that was what Sadie was enthused to hear mentioned. Except she wants them in pasta.
@chucksimmins Per my earlier tweet, non-hazmat, dental cleaning fluid or such. Smells mildly annoying.
I still smell a bit like that spill at work, despite the gloves being tossed in back of truck & hands & arms washed thoroughly. Ugh.
@pixxiespaz Last semester? It's not a 4 year deal?
Loading truck to leave for home in a moment or two.


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