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@DinkyShop Thanks for the tip - now to find out where I can purchase them locally.
@brittbak Website optimization when his page takes 20 seconds to load? Hardee har har.
@brittbak Probably not, and the chocolate might sweat. Hm. Maybe in an airtight container in the fridge.
Maybe if I put the bark outside on the balcony overnight
Hm. I guess I'll have to find something else to make for the loved one with food allergies. Drat, and I made most of this just for him.
I'm not sure if I'll be able to mail my chocolate mint bark. It melts easily in your hands.
@brittbak Hot Chip, "Ready For The Floor"
Cecily vs. the Callebaut White Chocolate:
@brittbak I'm not eating any of it, which surprises me just as much as it probably surprises you.
Had too much Callebaut white chocolate left after melting, so I dumped some pretzels in it for white chocolate covered pretzels.
@brittbak *giggles demonically* Just be glad I'm not bringing into work. ;-)
Chopping 5 pounds of Callebaut white and bittersweet chocolate while watching 'Arsenic and Old Lace'.
Just bought the Philadelphia Story and Arsenic and Old Lace from the iTunes store. That should stop my tweets for a couple of hours.
@kcxd One of those infernal contraptions martha stewart hocks to line her pockets.
I can't believe that I've made peanut brittle two years in a row without a candy thermometer. I am bold. Or stupid. Or both.
Ooh, wish I'd seen this before making peanut brittle:
Next: white and dark chocolate peppermint bark for loved one(s) with peanut allergies.
@laurendw I think we take pictures of it because it doesn't snow that much here.
Making peanut brittle is hot work.


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