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Me in London. Part one of a LOT of photo tweets comin' your way:
Finally got through all my pics of London. Will be doing blogs posts about it all week.
Editing video of my presentation from London. Hopefully will be up on blog soon.
@editguppy I'm not sure I follow that at all. But do what you gotta do.
Making a place for our christmas tree!
WTF is up with iTunes? It won't download any podcasts for me...
Made flight! Were about to close door! Happy to almost be home.
Thru immigration. Thru customs. Now stuck in security line. Making flight is going to be too close for comfort.
In heathrow, boarding in 10 min. G'bye, London. Was fun.
Up, spending last few hours in the UK. This afternoon, I land back in the US. Will miss london, but it will be _good_to be connected again.
Ok, back in the hotel and about to collapse. Today = Natural history museum, Westminster, trafalgar, leicester square, and more. Exhausted.
Sitting in trafalgar square, listening to choir and waiting on Xmas tree lighting. Making me miss @bsandlin something fierce.
@solobasssteve unfortunately, flying back tomorrow. Would take you up on it otherwise. :-)
This morning = Westminster. Was amazing. Now getting ready to head to Natural History Museum, and then to Trafalgar.
@jpom Do yourself a favor: skip all the tech chapters, because theres a lot of "how to". But I think some of the other stuff is still good.
more London update: Lunch yesterday at Marcus Wareing at the Berkeley = 3 hours long, 9 course tasting menu. Full blog post w/ pics coming.
My talk went swimmingly. Now in back of auditorium where @shifted is, leeching wifi.
Also: Passed Eddie Izzard walking down street. Avoided horrible fanboy moment where I almost stopped him and gushed.
Dinner last night with @shifted at Inamo. Crazy dining experience. Google it to see.
Sitting at Elsevier booth leaching wifi at #onlineinfo2008. Stop and say hi if you're wandering the hall.


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