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Now...I would like to clean the house before Dave gets home late tonight. Let's see how that works out.
It was nerve-wracking, but I got 4 framed pieces of art (including a **GIANT** Scott C. print) from Brooklyn to Queens safely.
We must have baked at least 12 different kinds of cookies today. Maaaaan I have a lot of cookies now.
Up before the sun, to see Dave off in a cab to the airport. Now back to bed.
@lynchcartoons Dang!! Pretty, but freaky.
@verabee They seem to POLITELY DECLINE proper punctuation, too. Oh well! Glad it was tasty.
@verabee "SUBSTITUTIONS POLITELY DECLINED." I'd be such a bad foodie. :)
@lizzerdrix And Pick-a-Bagel!! :D
@patlewis It's in a decent neighborhood with tons of restaurants!
New Yorkers tend to know I'm not from here; less from my 'accent' (or lack thereof) but more from the fact that I'm friendly. :p
@aliwildgoose Arrrrgh. I hope that Zuko-cast is a joke. D:
@kimonostereo Nope--this is EVERY day.
My hair is really really curly on one side, and just kinda wavy on the other. I give up.
@popcandy A black sequined gown would also be appropriate!
@popcandy It's not quite as formal as you'd think. You could probably get away with pants, along with nice shoes and top.
Cleaning up files and listening to Eve's mixtape, courtesy of @punkybird. Thanks, Mer!
Man, I LOVE being copy-edited! Getting notes that say "Per Webster's" is awesome in such a geeky way. (I'm totally serious.)
@mattforsythe EW. Hot dogs are the first food I ever gave up. At age 6.
Facebook has seriously been like an episode of This is Your Life lately.


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