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Holiday Card day today. Gotta get them in the mail.
Readying for a mini-reunion with my Kili peeps tonight. Very excited.
The Day the Earth Stood Still. in IMAX. Awwwwww yyyeeeaaaahhhh.
It's Friday I'm in Love. Actually I'm in love every day, but I do heart The Cure.
@arnehulstein it's not about policy (unemployment) it's about politics (Labor with a big L). Unions. Repubs don't like Unions.
@WomenWhoTech I think we're having the same twitter convo with different ppl. Funny.
@arnehulstein One way the auto and fin. lobbies differ: the auto lobby counts Labor as a big element. GOP hates Labor, thus: no auto bailout
@arnehulstein I agree the conversation started in the wrong place. But now that we're talkin' bailouts, why one industry over the other?
“In 2009, our psychology will improve, even if our circumstances will get worse.” -Mark Anderson
Wondering why the financial sector got bailed out, but not auto. Thinking it can be summed up thusly: GOP hates Unions. No Unions on Wall St
@DanBaum Dude, that's what you get when you try to be part of anything that calls itself "society."
@silbatron Woah. Really? @blixton? the s-bomb?! I can't even imagine it.
Testing TwitterGadget in my Gmail. Pondering if there's any part of my life Google isn't going to own soon.
Never ever a dull moment in VA Democratic politics. Love it.
Very exciting.
Morning run featured squirrels eating leaves, b/c no acorns: First bees, now acorns. Feels like econopolypse?
Cool for design geeks: video of the lead Obama logo designer explaining the background and application
Team Englin Holiday Party = huge success. Lots of my favorite ppl, lots of $$ raised, fab food and cocktails at Stardust. Suh-weet.
Having a pre-evet drinky at Stardust. Join me!


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