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@shirleybrady I think you're overestimating how much authority I have!
@craigmod Hey thanks for that. We're pretty excited about it over here!
@eocellus I hear you. We're hearing that a lot. Can't promise anything, but it's definitely on the radar.
Times Extra, folks. Times Extra, Times Extra, Times Extra! and my blog post here -
@everybody Thanks for the birthday wishes yesterday!
@shirleybrady Thanks. Keep clicking on those ads! ;-)
@CaptPhunkosis What do you get for the designer who has everything?
Just so everyone knows: Pictionary is sold out all over town.
To see the horrors that humanity is capable of: search Craigslist for couches for sale and check "has image."
A house. That's the size of headache I've got at the moment.
@joshbuddy Why do you say? Adding to list: re-evaluate efficacy of list-making.
Once you start listing things you need to do, there's no end.
@drewvigal Is it HD? If so maybe I'll buy it.
Batch renewing domains. How much longer do I keep the ones that seemed like a good idea at the time, but I've never been used?
@askrom You tweet, therefore you are. That's enough.