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Writing about Warner Music's dispute with YouTube for tomorrow's paper. Any sources to suggest? Any Q's?
@RowlandHobbs Thanks. She said "the crawl is always hungry" became an infamous phrase at Fox.
CNN dropping the crawl is "a tacit rejection of the info overload that has typified TV news" since 2001. My story:
@fuelblue I'm going to wait, too. Thanks, everyone, for the HDTV advice!
@cvvalencia I say this unabashedly: great movie.
Just saw an ad for Wal-Mart and Coca Cola that referenced "Twitter lists." Seriously.
Seeing "Nothing But The Truth."
Q about Bush-kept-us-safe narrative. Risen: I think the "storyline is going to be, in the long run, that 9/11 was a fluke. They got lucky."
Via @jayrosen_nyu , a fascinating interview with James Risen of the NYT.
Here's my Week in Review story about CNN's ceasing of the cable news "crawl:"
Question of the day: buy the HDTV now or wait til after Christmas?
@MickiMaynard Tired yet? What a remarkable few days of work for you, and on so many platforms.
I admit: I watch too much CNN. (See why on Sun.) Regardless: I dare 'em to label something --anything-- "OLD developments" instead of "new."
The courtyard of the Times looks splendid with a layer of snow.
@fishbowldc says Brit Hume's last "Special Report" is Tues. But we still don't know what Fox News's 6pm plans are.
RT @jayrosen_nyu who quotes Clay Shirky: "There is no such thing as information overload, there’s only filter failure."
Alan Sepinwall's take on NBC/Leno in an NYT op-ed: "The networks are Wile E. Coyote running off a cliff."
@alexandergordon Yeah, I amend my complaint, it's trickling out of the sky in midtown.
Laced up my boots but I don't see any snow. I don't even detect that snow-is-coming scent.
RT @nytimes : "W. Mark Felt, Deep Throat of Watergate, Dies at 95."


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