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Retweeting @zlio: Zlionautes, participez à la discussion sur le blog de Jérémie Berrebi :
@timhaines You're welcome Tim. I've just discovered your game !! It seems to be GREAT. I'm already a Bix fan. I'm buying it now.
The Microsoft Free Seadragon IPHONE app interface is IMPRESSIVE! I'm dreaming for that kind of interface for Google Books!
My 2 ,3, 4 years old children don't want to give me back my Iphone! They are playing with fishes in Koi Pond during HOURS!
BLOCK the Friends Game Application on Facebook through this link :
C'est quoi encore cette appli Facebook bidon Friends Game qui nous spamme depuis hier soir !!?
50 comments to my last post to Zlio members...Will need 1 day to answer to everyone ;-)
2 kids and my wife sick tonight. 2am and still awake! Maidaaaay!
Reading les gamineries between @techcrunch and @loiclemeur. Don't know if all this posts are not a big fake to buzz around LeWeb.
I've restored my Mac with Time Machine after a big Crash. It's working perfectly! Thanks Apple for this fabulous product!
Restoring my Mac with Time Machine (4 days old backup) We will see if it's really working!
Impossible to launch my Mac after a reboot! I have a blue screen who is blinking with a cursor mouse. I've checked the disk and it seems ok.
Je suis enrhumé....Je sais tout le monde s'en fout mais moi pas ;-)
@pressecitron t'as pas un probleme d'afichage du texte sur le nouveau Twhirl?
@himselfprod Tombe très bien ce genre de propos. Exactement le genre de trucs qui me font écrire le post.
TRES IMPORTANT: Lettre ouverte aux Zlionautes - ALERTE ROUGE :
@JeromeRoussin c'est bon tu peux y aller! je prends le relais :-)
Le soleil ne s'est pas encore lever mais je dois quand même me reveiller, lalalala, l'ami Ricore! Good moooooorning the world!


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