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saturday 3pm - hanging at * with @thefunklab @jolane @faulmann - victorian weather sucks bigtime.
saturday 9:30am - rolling off the couch at @faulmann 's on this rainy victorian day. heading up to werribee for brunch with the boys.
12:50AM saturday / late friday - backing up today's AWESOME images from Tim & Mel's wedding. Sometimes i amaze even myself with my pictures.
6:30pm - hanging in Geelong at Dave & Claire @faulmann's place. Claire made the mistake of leaving herself logged into facebook... ha ha! - Thurs 11.30am DLStime. I am here in Highton Geelong picking up my in-laws Rover for the weekend.
5.30am thursday. After 3 hours sleep i am now down here at Coolangatta airport. Checked into Virgin flight 980 to Melbourne. I time trav ...
it is past midnight and i am still up packing... i gotta leave for the airport at 4:30am! bleh! lots of new pictures on my flickr though!
daily picture of mr judah - 25 days old.
wednesday 1pm... why oh why did i get sucked into POWNCE?! now it is closing and i am faffing around trying to export my junk... arrrggghhh
wednesday 10am - benita is feeling a bit better today. judah is taking well to the bottle/formula, hoping that kicks his jaundice.
arrrggghhh i stayed up too late finishing the mighty book "A Confederacy of Dunces". Curse you J.K. Toole & your captivating characters! ...
tuesday 9th december. another massive day. benita very sick with an infection. baby judah is still jaundice & thrushy. yippee skippee!
monday 10pm - still uploading photos and video like a crazy man as the rain falls over the gold coast tonight
I just added a new feed 'c h r o m a s i a'
sunday 3pm - i am going crazy uploading stacks and stacks of pictures to my flickr & zooomr accounts.
dj paine - the flickr profile -
dj paine on flickr -
dj paine's sets on flickr:
dj paine's collections on flickr:
wow. an amazing website with amazing stories to watch. highly recommended!


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