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My MacBook Pro arrived today. I'm a very happy person.
@namic56 Febreeze is your friend. lol
Just ordered my MacBook Pro. Woo!
Missing out on Thanksgiving due to the flu. It started showing it's face around Monday, and I knew I was going to get screwed.
@duhawkdanran Left 4 Dead makes for an insane LAN game. #protip
@namic56 I also miss your audi. Those speakers are noice.
Black Swan by Thom Yorke was just on my Pandora. Hopefully it gets played more often. #pandora
@duhawkdanran my gmail theme is the one you get before gmail adds you to their sloooow rollout
My Sigur Ros pandora station has been serving up quite a nice mix recently. Just gave me "Reckoner" by Radiohead. #pandora
@djennerjohn I know, I forgot to put a "lol" after saying that you watch my finances. My bad. And yeah, another bad day for the market =(
@djennerjohn @namic56 good to know you guys are watching out for my financial situation. Don't worry, I don't own any stocks =/
@djennerjohn I know, I'll be a little over $200 in the black after getting my MBP. I'll just cut my spending for 15 days. Jeez. lol
@namic56 cont. It's not as bad as a certain someone's situation a while back. lol
@namic56 nah, i figure all I have to do is keep my spending low for 15 days if I get my MBP now. It's not that bad of a situation.
I'm going to have to figure out how close to being in debt I will be if I get my MacBook Pro now rather than waiting 15 days
@namic56 WOOO! I think I'll get you a present.
NOS is the one drink that really gives me energy for doing 3 night's work in 1. I must use with caution, lol.
Just was told that Adobe CS4 upgrade will be coming in the mail tomorrow (at work). That just made my day, even though it has just started.
Just finished voting. Obama... but that shouldn't have supprised you.


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