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@sbergus But you gotta respect those quick reflexes! @bergus and I wonder why Secret Service reacted so slowly. Seems like a joke to Bush.
@ebergus is off to her first Christmas party. Hope I can be productive with her gone overnight ('cause I'll be tempted to sleep > 6 hrs.).
@sbergus For no particular reason, could you tell me your shoe size? Thanks!
Would so much rather be: baking cookies (@ebergus wants Star Wars gingerbread), shopping, writing cards. Stupid Rule Against Perpetuities
Fantastic lunch w/ @bergus at Short's Burgers & Shine. However, I believe my arteries are paying the price: bacon & aioli & guac AND fries.
Posted: writing about building an online presence is so much easier than doing it.
@doctwit LOL. Is that the same optimism you've instilled in your eldest son?
@StephKimbro Good to know, I'll keep watching. Finals are 1/2 done. Guess I'll know how I feel when grades come back. :) Thx for yr replies.
@StephKimbro Just a law student, but wondering about the ALA's support of elawyering? The elawyering page seemed kind of .... dated?
@RummySin Just curl up with the Green Book. It'll all be over soon.
Finished first test 20 minutes early. Really a bad sign?? We'll see.
Posted: Countdown to first law exam
In the law library and feeling the anxiety in the air, walls, floor. Calm down people, it's just your livelihood we're talking about!
Worried that I'm not nearly worried enough about my first law school exam, tomorrow. When will the terror set in?
Snow day on the eve of my first law school final. Practicing issue-spotting while @ebergus tells me all about Star Wars. Allllllll day long. - Productive studying, all day long
Wow, a whole page of tweets from ppl I really care about. That's refreshing (and offensive to other, yeah, whatever). Now a 4hr study break!
Who knew law school was such an emotional roller coaster?! Feeling good one minute then I miss something huge. Working was not this bad. Ugh
@sbergus Yeah, perhaps I should have noted this was like 12 years ago. He had to admit it once I asked how he knew so many Xmas songs
@sbergus You know @bergus denied that Quakers were Christians? Just because you call it First Day School


Alison Coffey Jason John Kenyon Jason Evan Brown Judith Faucette Sheba + Rio (+Tim) BrettTrout Nick Bergus joshcramer Steve Buttry Iowa City, IA Sam Bergus Rebecca Omar Ha-Redeye Nicole Black deagh gbergus yiekes dalenz StephKimbro RummySin abbietoeknee Joe Whitsitt haileylady ebergus CSPAN irmccuskey Jonathan Rosenfeld NLTV ctborie lawiscool iowafoodgeek jhemmingsen Mr Tweet