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@hbeeinc Thanks for the suggestion, let me look into that!
@sunzofman1 Thanks for the compliment & for following!
@Daddyfletch don't know about that, we have a closed captioning for tv. Not sure how to add that online. I'll find out & let u know.
For more info. on the aid to auto industry proposals visit our Congress page:
More WH News: Pres.-Elect Obama COS Rahm Emanuel on new administration tonight on C-SPAN at 10:34 (ET) #cspan
@apperceptions Sorry for the problems. Have u tried IE? We're working on other formats, for Flash visit: #cspan
@Daddyfletch Thanks for the great suggestion! We'll definitely think about adding Twitter questions. Hopefully I can give u an answer soon!
Coming up: Sarah Palin (R-AK) @ GOP Governor's Conference on C-SPAN2 at 10am ET & later watch Palin's press conference on #cspan
Watch Pres.-Elect Obama's victory speech now at
Watch Sen. McCain's concession speech now at
@Sistory Thanks for stopping by, we have cameras there in anticipation for Obama's speech & to grab interviews with attendees. #cspan
ATTN NORTH CAROLINA TWEEPS: speeches of winner Sen.-Elect Kay Hagan & Elizabeth Dole now on #election08
ATTN NEW HAMPSHIRE TWEEPS: Jeanne Shaheen (D) victory speech now on #election08
Take an in-depth look at Election 2008 & its impact on Congress, plus results on key state races @ 7pm ESTon C-SPAN #election08
Update: previous McCain url is wrong. Click here:
Check out behing-the-scenes video of Sen. McCain's rally at the Biltmore Hotel- #election08
Check out behing-the-scenes video of Sen. Obama's rally at Grant Park, visit
@eby Thx 4 stopping by, RE: "third party debates being replayed at all besides online?" Do sign up for our Alerts email, most up-to-date!
@Studebaker r/t "Thank You for recognizing and accommodating that Voters have the RIGHT to see Candidates Ralph & Chuck Debate..! Bravo..!"
@dereknp81 Thanks for the feedback. We continue to explore new technologies to bring you access to the political process. #cspan


Biz Stone Evan Williams Angela Xeni Jardin Gavin Nick Douglas peterme Emma Tara missrogue Hunt tommy payne Scott Beale WDavidStephenson Clay Johnson Jason Calacanis Tim Bonnemann Nancy Scola randy stewart Wally Punsapy MissBifocals Geoff DiMasi Jeff Clark Brian Russell Aldon Hynes nicco mele Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Chuck Olsen Alex Rudloff Glennia Brian Clark Andrea Mercado Jim Long Paul Hyland Robert Talbert jef Tom Bridge
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