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Trees still give me wood.
If I had a pregnant teen-aged daughter, and was republican, I would likely be thankful that others were not. (Both.)
I believe drive-sushi to be offensive to my sense of entitled propriety.
I would imagine that training a wild raccoon to walk a tightrope would be rather expensive. Almost as much as sending one to law school.
The one thing I've never seen at a garage sale that I'd buy without haggling: vicious looking stuffed bear in a sombrero.
I'm a huge fan of silly boozery, but if I were locked up, I don't believe I'd drink Pruno.
I think the world would be a better place if more people embraced the 'high-five'. Bush and Ahmadinejad? High-five. So underrated.
@escapeest continuation of yesterday's cement countertop molds construction. Melanine particleboard is a BITCH to cut (ruined my blades).
@oh_steph average day at work. but after work is gonna blow something horrible.
There's nothing quite like a hot, brimming cup of disappointment to go with a shit sandwich.
@banksean I'm going to slay Lo-Pan and find Animal Chin.
@shototsu Yes, the relay will have to have its trailed marked with someone else's sweat/urine/tears.
@oh_steph Sept 11th - 27th!
Not Chinese foot-bound. Just... bound.
Okay then, just found out: Ava and I are China-bound next month! TAI HAO LE!!!
@paulshelton careful there, panther. Alicia's on a spaying kick for cats.
@elizs I will drink for charity. Heavily, if need be.
If I were an animal, I believe I’d enjoy being a raccoon. What with the fur mask and claws, it’d like being a shitty superhero.
@djseek working. You've successfully txtwitter'd.