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RT @pkedrosky keynes never wrote about unintended consequences of everyone being keynesians at once in savings-starved world. about find out
Very sad that the spectacular potential of Yahoo continues to be pissed away, and that so many former coworkers are paying the price
Watching the man who lost his whole family in the SD F-18 crash pray for the well being of the pilot...a moment of grace & tragedy & tears
Vital Images announces new EVP of Strategy and Products Mrs. Ghanbari rejoices
@tmarble It means you are old my friend... (I feel your pain)
Heart felt thanks to Anne Hill for such an impeccably timed post: Anne, I get misty eyed too
@steps Already drank your milkshake buddy
With 3 weeks left to go in the year, I'm going to go WAY out on a limb and declare Blago douchebag of the year...transcipts are unbelievable
@anamariecox Rahm turning Blago, and not saying anything while the rightwing reactionary machine kicks in, would be epic ju jitsu
According to @maddow today is International Anti Corruption day... I swear to god, we're living in a bad movie script
@pkedrosky SD F-18 news is heart sorry your son was so close to this tragedy
Does anyone else think Blagojevich has George Lucas hair?
(even sicker CATCH ;-)
SICK cash!
@mflinsch It's all about coffee oil build up. High volume coffee ops that don't give a s**t have huge oil residue --> diaper pail dri ...
For the record, bought two R4 chips for the Nintendo DS a month ago, & have since bought 6 DS games (reduced risk == more sales)
Rose Bowl is the real deal this year...if any (ex)Overture buds have some extra tickets, give a shout!
The first rule of Heroes: Don't f**k with the Haitian... (damn!)
Retweeting @gruber: Just trying to keep pace in the competitive Amazon Store landscape:


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