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Welcome to NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries Service). NOAA Fisheries Service is dedicated to the stewardship of living marine resources through science-based conservation and management, and the promotion of healthy ecosystems.

As a steward, NOAA Fisheries Service conserves, protects, and manages living marine resources in a way that ensures their continuation as functioning components of marine ecosystems, affords economic opportunities, and enhances the quality of life for the American public.

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From the Assistant Administrator

I am pleased to announce that our marine fish stocks are showing marked improvement in 2007.
The good news is published in this year’s NOAA Fisheries Service annual report to Congress on the status of U.S. fish stocks. >> read more

An electronic version of the 2007 NOAA Fisheries Service Business Report is now available. >> read more

Outreach Plan for NOAA Fisheries Service


Bluefin Tuna NOAA Fisheries Service Releases an Additional $70 Million in Disaster Aid to West Coast Salmon Fishing Industry
NOAA Fisheries Service announced that it is making an additional $70 million in disaster-relief aid available to West Coast salmon fishermen, completing a financial-assistance package announced in September, when the agency released $100 million in disaster assistance. >> read more
Bluefin Tuna United States Pushes for Strong Measures to Protect Bluefin Tuna
Despite a strong U.S. proposal to conserve bluefin tuna in the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean, the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas has failed to heed scientific advice and adopt measures that would end overfishing and put this species on the path to recovery. However, the commission adopted a strong measure, championed by the United States, to rebuild the western Atlantic bluefin tuna stock, the stock harvested by U.S. fishermen. >> read more
Smithsonian's Image NOAA Launches new site, Voices from the Fisheries
NOAA Fisheries Service has launched a new website, Voices from the Fisheries. Voices from the Fisheries is a central repository for consolidating, archiving and disseminating oral history interviews related to commercial, recreational and subsistence fishing in the United States and its territories. The purpose of the database is to serve as a resource to inform, educate and provide primary information for all who are interested in our local and human experience with the surrounding marine environment. >> read more
Smithsonian's Image NOAA Announces Up to $47 Million for Hurricane Damage to Fisheries in Louisiana and Texas
NOAA Fisheries Service has announced the state of Louisiana will be eligible for up to $40 million and Texas will be eligible for up to $7 million in disaster aid to restore and rebuild the states’ fish habitats and fishing industries devastated by hurricanes Gustav and Ike. >> read more
Smithsonian's Image NOAA Issues Stronger Protections for Elkhorn and Staghorn Corals in Southeast United States
NOAA's Fisheries Service will increase its protection of threatened elkhorn and staghorn corals in Florida, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands through a new rule to prohibit activities that result in death or harm to either species. The new regulations take effect on Nov. 21. >> read more
Smithsonian's Image Smithsonian's Ocean Hall Opens to Broad Acclaim
The Smithsonian Museum of Natural History recently unveiled the Sant Ocean Hall, offering visitors an exciting opportunity to learn about the planet's largest and most complex ecosystem, the ocean. This brand new 23,000 square foot exhibit contains seven galleries, featuring 674 marine specimens and models, a salt water coral tank, giant squid, and a life-size model of a North Atlantic right whale named Phoenix. NOAA Fisheries Service was instrumental in developing an interactive demonstration on science-based management of sustainable fisheries, and providing content for the Ocean Today kiosk, a multi-media video library. >> read more
Dr. Liz Brooks, a stock assessment scientist at NOAA, mentors undergraduates studying marine science.
More Marine Scientists Needed: Report Forecasts Shortage
The federal departments of Commerce and Education are forecasting a serious shortage of scientists trained to do the high-quality research required to rebuild fish stocks and restore marine species in the next decade. “At a time when the United States needs more scientists to provide the tools to rebuild valuable fish stocks and restore marine mammals and turtles, we are seeing a shortage of well-trained fishery scientists,” said retired Navy Vice Adm. Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Ph.D., under secretary of commerce for oceans and atmosphere and NOAA administrator. “We must work with universities and the private sector to convince young people to pursue careers in marine science.” NOAA has several innovative recruiting programs, including fellowships, internships and mentoring programs. >> read more   >> report and video

FishWatch - U.S. Seafood Facts NOAA Develops Seafood Consumer Guide
Seafood consumers in the United States, increasingly concerned about the sustainability and quality of seafood, can now turn to a NOAA Fisheries Service Web site, FishWatch, for the latest information. This consumer guide provides the best available scientific information on over 60 of the most popular types of seafood. More species will be added to the site in the near future.

WARNING:   Consult IUU Fishing Lists Before Making Commercial Arrangements

Illegal, unreported, or unregulated (IUU) vessel lists have been created by Regional Fishery Management Organizations to combat IUU fishing practices. Certain penalties may apply to vessels included on such lists; therefore, it is advisable to consult these lists before making commercial arrangements with listed vessels. Penalties may include restricted port access or unloading prohibitions. Some lists are intended to include only fishing vessels, some can include transport vessels as well. For more information: >> read more

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Scallop Swordfish Quotas Proposed

Acidification Bouy Public Invited to Comment on Peer Review Process and Use of Best Scientific Information

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A sampling of shark drawings from readers of Jim Toomey's "Sherman's Lagoon"
syndicated comic strip.
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WeirdFins is NOAA Fisheries Service’s new educational podcast series. Each weekly two minute episode is guaranteed to make learning about ocean life fun. WeirdFins is for kids 8 to 14, but will interest people of all ages.
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Whales NOAA Finds Decline in Pollock; Recommends Catch Cut to Council
NOAA has released new scientific information showing a decline in the walleye pollock biomass that has the agency recommending a cut to the pollock catch for 2009 in the eastern Bering Sea. "Although the pollock biomass was well above average in the 1990s, our surveys show a substantial decline in recent years," said Doug DeMaster, science and research director for NOAA’s Alaska Fisheries Science Center. "The stock has been closely monitored and management decisions have historically followed sound conservation principles. We anticipate lower catch limits for 2009." >> read more
Whales NOAA Advises Mariners to Watch for Migrating Right Whales
NOAA Fisheries Service advises all mariners and fishermen to keep a sharp look out for North Atlantic right whales in southeast U.S. waters from Nov. 15 through April 15. Each year, pregnant female North Atlantic right whales migrate southward more than 1,000 miles from their feeding area off Canada and New England to the warm, calm coastal waters off South Carolina, Georgia, and northeastern Florida to give birth and nurse their young. These waters are the only known calving area for the species. >> read more
White Abalone NOAA to Monitor, Not Move, Shrewsbury/Navesink Dolphins
NOAA's Fisheries Service today announced a monitoring plan for 12 bottlenose dolphins in the Shrewsbury and Navesink rivers. The agency also announced that there will be no effort to force the dolphins out of the area at this time. >> read more
White Abalone NOAA Completes White Abalone Recovery Plan
NOAA's Fisheries Service has made available the final recovery plan for white abalone, a marine mollusk listed in 2001 as endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). This recovery plan outlines reasonable actions which are believed to be required to recover and/or protect white abalone, and is required by the ESA as a guideline for the conservation and survival of ESA listed species. The primary goal of this recovery plan is to establish self-sustaining populations of white abalone in a number of locations throughout its historic range. >> read more
Federal Agencies to Propose Expanding Gulf of Maine Atlantic Salmon Population Protected by Endangered Species Listing
NOAA Fisheries Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service have announced a proposal to redefine the endangered Gulf of Maine population of Atlantic salmon to include fish found in nearby areas. The proposal would expand the endangered designation to consist of Atlantic salmon populations from the Androscoggin River to the Dennys River, including anadromous salmon inhabiting the Kennebec and Penobscot rivers, as well as hatchery fish used in the recovery effort. >> read more

Report: Offshore Aquaculture Would Benefit U.S. Economy
Aquaculture shows significant economic potential and good prospects for success in the United States, according to a new report commissioned by NOAA. The report’s authors call for clear rules to be enacted to guide the development of an offshore aquaculture industry. >> read more

NOAA Training Workshops for Seafood Dealers and Fishermen

Free workshops are planned to assist Atlantic shark dealers with the identification of various shark species. Accurate species identification is important because some regulations vary by species; some stocks are severely overfished, while others are more plentiful. Atlantic shark dealers are required to attend the shark identification workshops in order to maintain valid Federal permits. In addition, special workshops for commercial fishermen who use bottom longline, pelagic longline, or gillnet gear will help them learn new techniques for releasing any protected species (e.g. sea turtles) that are caught accidentally. These "safe handling" workshops are required for fishermen who wish to maintain Federal swordfish and shark fishing permits.
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