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@kiriplace call me tomorrow - we're hoping to finish a little shopping, so we'll be out part of the day.
Christmas card bloopers now posted on flickr! You have to be marked as a 'friend' to see them.
joining the ever-growing ranks of iPhone widows. Might retaliate one evening by going to @saucyintruder and @kiriplace's for Wii fun.
part of what makes the snow today dangerous is how easy the AM commute was. The other part is all the idiots on the road when you leave work
Maybe a snowday tomorrow. Not as thrilled about that as others might be.
Did this week's Eli Stone have a Reaper shout-out?
Dear ASPCA, Congrats on your tv ad making a pregnant woman cry. Like that's an accomplishment.
I think I'm behind in my Eleanor update tweets. Two weeks ago, she started to refuse the high chair. Reg chair or booster w/o straps only.
hopefully I'll wake up tomorrow and this whole ugly stomach bug will be but a memory.
wah, stomach bug makes me sad and grouchy. Want to be better & get back in the swing o' things
ooooh, warm pillow on lower back so soooothing.
@SaucyIntruder get ye to a Marshall's or Home Goods. Tons of under-$10 items: wine glass sets, fancy photo albums, exotic-looking coffees.
home with stomach bug. Dave's struck down too. Thank goodness E goes to day care Wednesdays, or it would all be so much worse.
blood test results not ideal; now I have to have a technical, doctory ultrasound instead of a warm fuzzy one. no biggie, but disappointing.
ooh, obscure-cable-show-convergence! It looks like Hot Steven from Primeval did an ep of Keen Eddie. (Maybe I watch too much TV.)
@killermango @thomclark Is this some kind of Dc-area hamster diet fad?
@KillerMango color me jealous. Drink something fruity and alcoholic for me!!
wishing Google's stuff integrated better with my iPod. (tasks, bookmarks, etc.) Do not want to use Yet Another Program (RTM)
just returned from a Wii date with @kiriplace. I like Neon Staple Pong. My Mii has pigtails!


Andrea Mercado jessamyn west Matt Haughey Joan Matelli Jeff Yaus Lukas Karlsson John Watson braingeyser Kirstin David Ragsdale pantsie Saucy Intruder KillerMango Karianna VeryKate erica_seidel ohmycarling kathytodd anna saladpants tribacibee tcc3 James Todd blogborygmi craigcheslog ThomClark jmcnichols