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thinking about running. not, like, *from* anything. just running for running's sake. just thinking about it.
@cdsingleton oh my god - are you at ROLLERWORLD??
in news that surprises no one, @warhodes is adorable and a wonderful actor.
the central square ymca is quite a lovely space! i didn't know!
a little bit drunk in central square. this is what happens when left to my own devices.
i was born on the same day as estelle getty! that makes me SO HAPPY!
hey nh friends without power/heat - please consider a vacation to beautiful downtown somerville. i've got a futon!
@thebuj nuh-uh. george and mary *don't even touch*. implied tension = way hotter
george bailey smelling mary's hair in "it's a wonderful life" is the sexiest scene in any movie ever. truthfact.
m-o-o-n, that spells huge yellow moon!
causing trouble with the cheever boys
running too late to hit the bca. PISSED. hopefully i've put out enough anti-wbc vibes anyway today and they are felt. HARD.
so far today, the fire alarm has gone off and there's crazy system failure at work. what's the third thing that the full moon will cause?
@vickievictoria i'm going to the theater, but i don't think i'll see the show. dana's going, though!
lyle lovett is awesome. the end.
@cheever your friend gene did some music for the current boston production of The Laramie Project. neat! oh, and happy birthday, oldie.
darryl hall is on the daily show. he looks homeless. OMG OATES!!!!
the dumbest thing i've heard all day- "i don't read. the only things i read are what i write."
will i fall asleep in my soup? I DON'T KNOW!!
a little bit delerious from the tired.