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@HenryT: I think you're mistaking "state caring" for "Blago grandstanding." It's a fine line.
Listening to gdgt weekly makes me want to be more of a gadget geek.
Editing a press release.
@suntimes just re-tweeted @coloneltribune. Yeah, social media just might herald the end of the world.
Good job Peerflix. Now you've raised the ire of my Google Reader Shared Items network. This will not end well.
Is there a way to mark High Priority within Gmail?
The birds are massing in the tree right outside my office window. Keep swooping in and landing just above the window. Just a tad freaky.
But that's nothing compared to TMB's situation:
Peerflix Media Network hasn't paid me for months:
@jangles: I've been playing with it this AM on my blog. Can't wait for it to come to the installed software.
Got an early groove going in writing this planning document.
@jordanbehan: Too true. Especially when you start adding inboxes.
@prblog: Did I ever tell you about the days @tombiro and I wrote an ad blog? What was it's name again
I've gotten almost nothing on my To Do list done. Instead it's all been a mish mosh of smaller items. Ugh.
@jratlee: Yeah. I have some questions about other usage of that but it's interesting to check out.
Just added Google Friend Connect to http://www.moviemarketingma...
Doing a little research into Google's Friend Connect.
Way behind in my podcast listening. Blown thru FIRs 400, 401 and now 402. That's a lot of @shel and @jangles, but it's good stuff.
@cc_chapman: It's bad, I know, but I read the last part of that tweet with the whole Duff Man voice going on in my head.


Evan Williams Maggie Mason Noah Ross Gavin Nick Douglas Paul Terry Walhus Dion Hinchcliffe michael lambie Dustin Jacobsen Tammy Green Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Jennifer Woodard M David Parmet Josh Hallett Mike Manuel Justine Alex Hillman   christine Steve Dembo Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Michael Bailey Alex Rudloff Veronica Belmont Heath Row Brian Clark Robert French Doug Haslam Jim Long marianne richmond Emily Chang Alex de Carvalho Brian Solis debs
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