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Good night, kind, for everyone you tweet is fighting a great battle
Does the Head of Social Media for Ford, Scott Monty, Twitter? He'd get an earful if he did
Welcoming @greenbacker from DE - Connecticut, NCAA football TE, Oxford, USAF Lt, Iraq, comp sci PhD student AI/NLP, NRA, Constitution,
@loudmouthman - my children look at me funny when I relish oatmeal with butter and salt instead of brown sugar and raisins
Welcoming @Tridentis from DC - Engineering solutions for a Transformational Force. Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering
Here's how the Senators voted... Norm Coleman No, Amy Klobuchar Yes, no surprise there
Welcoming @DrLindaSilbert from NY - "I’m an author, educator, speaker, & grandma, too. My specialty: helping children succeed in school."
Low Rider (War), Stone Free (Hendrix), Honky Tonk Woman (Stones) and Mississippi Queen (Mountain) - 4 songs with abundant cowbell
Welcoming @AirMonk from Denver - A Monk on a Mission, CEO The University of Jesus
Wanting to know how each Senator voted on the bailout cloture vote
Welcoming @joryzmom - Christian, Conservative, Wife, Mother, Homeschooler
@mosqueda - Indeed! On an unrelated note, I'm confused as to where you are...Bio and blog say two different things
Welcoming @ryansmiller from UT - husband, father, son, brother, sports fan, music lover, movie buff, entrepreneur
Robbie Gould FT...FTT!
I don't understand how the pages on the Obama-Blago connection disappeared from Google Cache so you? #tcot
Welcoming @Ritalynman from AZ - Conservative writer
Wondering if either team wants to win the Bears-Saints game...both teams cough up the ball in the space of a minute
Hoping that Senator Corker has killed the bailout bill
Welcoming @fitsnews from SC - Unfair, imbalanced political news, pop culture and sports, based in Columbia, SC
The thought of their season going down the drain is wonderfully concentrating the minds of the New Orleans Saints


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah crystal Tony Stubblebine Evan Williams Dom Sagolla kellan sara Philip Kaplan Steve Jenson jeremiah Jason Goldman Maggie Mason Jerry Michalski Noah Ariel McNichol Chris Sacca Matt Galligan danah boyd Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton nanek Beau Mack D. Male om Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Paul Terry Walhus Chris Greenough Tim Kersey Manuel Viloria Brian Brown thomasknoll Hiten Shah
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