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Darn XM/Sirius merger. Way to destroy shareholder (and customer) value. *sigh*
Is anyone aware of research study/case studies on social networking inside the enterprise? Not anecdotes - actual studies. Thx...
@minnemom this is terribly stereotyped but my Jewish friends all go to Chinese restaurants on xmas day...maybe just an east coast thing
Getting sucked into facebook.
Doh! I need @Replies spellcheck for tweets... make that congrats @amyhoy on the RWW pickup...
@ahoy congrats on the rww pickup about
@dthrasher sez ( "Procrastination is the fear of sucess" Paula sez: I don't think that's my excuse today....
The Thrasher family is cutting the annual xmas gift name draw; so we decided to use the $$ to buy toys for tots:
@natenash203 compeltely agree with your infovark assessment, but as a "angel" funder I guess you could call me biased ;-)
@cheeky_geeky - had to take same bad IA training. Be sure to follow policy OMB 1373.12 and DOD 5980.2 or else! (blahblahblahwhatever)
Hmm. people have to be following you in order to DM them. Guess thats spam prevention...Can all interested in DISA SNS please follow me?!
@dbevarly absolutely join up - trying to reach partners on twitter we can't reach through DoD/Intellipedia/et al
@cheeky_geeky, @ckras - Are ya'll doing social networking-related work for DoD? Looking for friends of a feather to help a DISA pilot
@greggyour - Would love to have you/JFCOM play in DISA SocianNet pilot... will DM you with details and intellipedia links...
RT @dcbiz State, local tech priorities hinge on Barack Obama’s cabinet: Industry analyst Chris Dixon says Pres..
Are companies willing to make major culture changes and investments in social media/ Enterprise 2.0 in a down economy? Is status quo safer?
Working on plans for a DoD Social Networking pilot
@amcafee Ask Big Blue if their tools are emergent/direct to user or if they still require the Big CIO to purchase
For a wednesday before thanksgiving, not a lot of fellow travelers with me in the airport today. Ghosttown around here.
Following Mr. Tweet. We'll see if this twitter referral thing works...


Ross Michael Parekh Dion Hinchcliffe Susan Scrupski Robert Scoble James Governor Jeremiah Michael Arrington Gordon Taylor Vassil Mladjov Michael Still Lindsay Beaton Dean Thrasher Simon David Weinberger Simon Driscoll Christopher Johnson Tim O'Reilly JP Rangaswami maggie fox Mary Sobiechowski Clay Shirky Amy Sam Lawrence Sara Mooney Laura Bergells Rob Rhyne jstrelitz defrag - eric norlin Martin Koser infovark Heatwave316 ahoy Chris Muenzer Michael J. Russell Hutch Carpenter