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So far: horrible day.
Worst part is that I'm not getting to 80 this weekend :(
it might actually be video card errors; seems like it's booting up, but the video is all distorted and messy. Guess first step is boot disk
oh man. I think my hard drive finally kicked the bucket once and for all
Grabbed some food for tomorrow from the meatloaf bakery, then played zombie games all night long.
Totally forgot to twitter about the podcast today. Oh well.
This is generally what I do already: If there's a good reason to break an "embargo request," it's broken.
Re: rights thing, I saw some tweets in print somewhere, but perhaps permission was asked. If anyone sees mine on CNN, though, pls tell me
Just watched eagle vs. Shark, was great
So do I not have any rights to my tweets? Can people republish them as they see fit without compensation to me?
Unsure if I want to do anything or if there's anything to do tonight. Call me, or I might just stay in and relax.
Off to the Neos to do some work up there
debating what to do for a workout today
I'm hesitant to gloat about this, but I will anyway: they never caught me! Or at least didn't care about me.
@jstoff Sound Opinions liked Kanye's album, too. I'm convinced there's a Kanye Reality Distortion Field in Chicago.
@redeyechicago keeps threatening snow tonight but I haven't seen flake one.
Just missed the bus so here's a pic of my new hat
@shawncoons' and @notpatrick's How I WoW interview with me is up: Listen if you dare.
Christmas song of the day w/ Tony Bennett conducted by John Williams
@chrisgrant speaking of partying on XBL with beer, I don't think I've played l4d with you yet. We should have a WIN zombie killing night.


Lori White Veronica Belmont Andy Baio Matt Heerema Major Nelson (Larry) David Chartier ʎɹɹəquəʞɔoɥ ƃıɐɹɔ Gedeon Maheux Scott McNulty Rex Sorgatz Alexis Mat Lu Clive Thompson Victor Agreda Jr bryan campen Scott Johnson Mignon Fogarty Brian Ibbott Wukki Ukki Conrad Quilty-Harper C.K. Sample III Barack Obama Ryan Block Wil Harris barb dybwad Shawn Coons Jason Kottke Michael Zenke Christopher Grant Michael T. Rose Daniel Terdiman Jonathan Coulton Passively Multiplayr Libe Goad Duncor Leo Laporte
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