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It turns out being put on bedrest AFTER you deliver your baby is a whole new kind of fresh hell.
Two kids. Huh. Who decided this was a good idea again?
Am home! With giant, sore, leaky breasts. And a poopy newborn. But still. HOME.
wanttogohome wanttogohome wanttogohome wanttogohome wanttogohome wanttogohome wanttogohome wanttogohome
Can't wait to tell you all about the giant fart I ripped on the operating table.
Naming mah baby.
There is no internet access at hospital and it is killing me.
Baby still nameless, I'm still puking, but life is good. Pics soon.
5lbs 11oz, 19 in, no name yet!
C-section at 3 pm, I hit the preeclampsia jackpot again.
In hospital naked under gown. Probably having a baby today.
The only good thing about today's OB appointment is that the VERY LAST ONE is next week. The week after that? I'll have a BABY.
Also sobbing in my bedroom, Asher's room, the living room, the baby's room and all three bathrooms. THINGS MUST BE BETTER TODAY.
@NoPasaNada I'm with you, ANYTHING has to be better than yesterday, when I found myself sobbing under my parents' Christmas tree.
I lost 25 years off my life the other night when D turned on the garbage disposal with his hand still inside. (He flipped the wrong switch.)
Watching Intervention to feel better about myself. As long as I'm not drinking a gallon of wine a day, I consider myself a damn fine parent.
Except that it's really the most annoying sound you could possibly imagine.
Asher is rolling around on his floor, crying. I don't know why, and I've spent 15 minutes trying to, so I've decided to let him work it out.
Random woman at Safeway returned my cart for me this morning. The holiday spirit IS alive. In, like, one out of twenty people or something.


Zoot Ashley Allstarme Amanda Dooce Susan Wagner Alice Bradley Whoorl Bethany Andrea B. Candy Anna at Hank&amp She Likes Purple Georgia Getz Heather B. Glamgranola Jes metalia andsosheblogs gorillabuns Kelly Phillips Mrs. Flinger A'Dell mooshinindy Lizabeth Johnson mightymaggie insidedog Sarcomical Nic Kickyboots Melissa mona superfantastic Carla MelWesch MisplacedTexan