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I can't remember the last time I bought gas for only $1.69, w00t!
Contemplating how to get it all done, today
Rod Blagojevich: Schadendouche of the Week
posted about the solar energy article in fast company
bought an alto saxophone
posted a farewell to Perl
@Darcy1968 Technorati authority measures the attention your blog gets as indicated by links. You're right: it won't bring world peace
posted about @burtonator's "Destroying MySQL" flap
wondering what the incentives are to spam World of Warcraft, tons of WoW spam pings hitting Technorati right now (rebuffed)
@byrnereese 'sudo easy_install django' is prolly the closest to python's analog to MacPorts (or CPAN, really)
Tweeting with pride: just got my daughter's report card, straight A's. Including one from a reportedly tough algebra teacher.
@byrnereese you're not the only one I had on my "good people" list that 6a cut loose, best of luck to you!
the Technorati ping flow blockages have been fixed, theres a lingering backlog but current pings are cranking pretty fast
run a map reduce job on Technorati pings from the last few days to get to the bottom of the update lapse some folks have suffered
listening to middle schoolers play a smokin rendition of "April in Paris"
posted my color on today's Technorati design update
@centernetworks poor methodology, search for "obama": results are 3 minutes ago, 4 minutes ago, 8 minutes ago
@centernetworks lag in rising topics is'nt what you blogged, "Technorati hasn't updated pings from any site in at least 24 hours." is false
@centernetworks you're spreading disinformation again, Technorati's index is updating fine, there are search results from a few minutes ago
@matthewlevine sorry to hear about the shiner, that sucks, hoping you heal quickly!


Evan Williams Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest danah boyd Mary Hodder Richard Ault Ross om Dave McClure Niall Kennedy peterme Mr Messina Adam Hertz Liz Dunn Scott Beale Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Christine Herron Glenda Michael Sippey Stewart Butterfield Scott Hussein Rafer Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Walt Dickinson Tantek Çelik Simon Willison Tom Coates Bradley Horowitz Eddie Codel Robert Scoble Andy Baio photomatt Ryan King ben barren Matthew Levine
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