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@Telemill haha :-) true true. But then noone can right?
McCain: "I can't promise to support Palin for president" But 2 months ago, she was the 2nd best person to lead the nation?
Those that don't take risks don't drink the champagne.
I've been using Shazam on the iPhone since July... but I just noticed how staggeringly mediocre it is at tagging Christian music :-\ bummer
Interprative dancing as Mary from the book of Luke :-) -
Just had the coolest dream where me and all the friends I've ever had were playing basketball & we were all super-heroes.
OH: @bourassa compiling for ad-hoc distro vs. compiling for development is like the different between brain surgery & putting on a bandaid
Woman returns $100k that she found at a restaurant : :-) People can still be lovely.
@PDXBlazersFTW time to join the masses of people wasting their time in epic proportions :-)
@Schmult This is what I was talking about :) Coming close to front page of digg
@PDXBlazersFTW haha That would be funny if he just hopped on here, like "WELP, nothing better to do anymore... might as well be on twitter!"
@kevinrose I came as close as I ever have to the front page of today :-)
ReTweet @digg_frontpage: Breaking: Sixers fire coach Cheeks: The Philadelphia 76ers have fired coach Mauri..
LOL! My iPhone froze & required a hard reset while trying to load :-P
It is weird that so many people are using my name on twitter today. I feel compelled to tell people i'm alright :-P
@compujeramey its tough to overpower him. Its kinda unfortunate that i'm ungooglable.
@compujeramey i did see that! I got an SMS today from some1 that just said "Sorry u got fired" Heart skipped a beat. What a crappy txt 2 get
@mike_miley dah well. maybe i'll search and see who to ping about "make this work please, stupid that we broke it"
@mike_miley haha. yea i thought about that, but its no fun to be mad at "us" :-) easier to be mad at "them"


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