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Jessica Yellin has apparently turned into a Jedi ghost
FNC interview with my Politicker reporter who broke the Kerry/McCain "Depends" diaper story:
I love working for a publication that has Don Draper as its cover story:
Up in NYC for first week of Know anyone trying to rent out an apartment?
Back from vacation, back to blogging:
I hope @bryanroberts, @williambeutler and @brandonpitts are ready to try Rock Band 2. It's my first priority upon returning to DC tonight!
My foreign travels in brief: The French love smoking Lucky Strikes and the Spanish love ... Iron Maiden. Advantage, France.
Back in the states and finally back online. Taking the Acela from Boston to DC this afternoon...
Jumped on twitter to brag about amazing times in Madrid, only to see David Foster Wallace is dead. Sad.
just saw a very haggard gallagher brother boarding flight. failed to share my dominance at rock band/wonderwall
on runway for flight to jfk then to madrid
New survey of women voters finds high approval for Palin and more interest in election:
In Cambridge w/ @carriesheffield celebrating our 1-year-anniversary. Flying to Madrid + France in 5 hours!
Why both sides are wrong about "lipstick debate"
More Tony Perkins: Loves Palin pick, but says it was "purely political." Says reporters should look into her record
Vicky Christina Barcelona = first Woody Allen movie I've enjoyed in some time and fun prep for flight to Spain this Friday
FRC Prez. Tony Perkins says blogs are like beauty shops:
at st. regis hotel for CSM tony perkins breakfast
Everyone's a winner in the earmark hypocrisy game:
late but delicious lunch at Aioli


WDavidStephenson Erick Erickson Micah Sifry Defamer Jerry Brito Patrick Ruffini Leslie Bradshaw Dave Riordan William Beutler David All Frank Conry Michael Turk Rob Bluey Twitt3rPOTUS Jon Henke Joe Mansour Brian Faughnan Soren Dayton NRSC NPR Politics Jonathan Rick Sho Ikeda Rob Pierson Liz Adam Glickman Bettina Inclan Phil Kerpen Elizabeth A. Terrell Justin Hart demconvention Brian Devine Choire Hussein Sicha Julian Sanchez Nick  Schaper jansonpr