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I want to drag out trash but looking at the weather forecast it's supposed to rain. Dang! Big TRASH not normal trash.
Taking two of my nieces and my nephew to movie and dinner. A surprise fun evening. My heart is full.
@hauself tell rayrangutan - or your twins hang low
Now to do the deep clean, fridge clean, sweep and mop. Then on two den phase one.
In the interest of giving myself an attaboy-i have just completed stage one of kitchen cleaning
Giving myself five more minutes of pity party thn back at it.
I'm so frustrated cleaning. Its getting messy before I can finish. *sigh*
Hamster on A Piano - hahaha. My new favorite song.
Hahaha - Read the headline wrong and thought it said "TRex's, Dinos had head full of HAIR" Nice mental image -
@Reverse_Vampyr "Haven't you heard? The bird is the word!"
@ShoeSmitten Be careful on that. Just went there and there were tons of people that I know I follow listed on my fan area. Not sure accurate
@NickyJay Oh really? I'll have to tell @ruaraidhxx about this, he loves those dang chips.
@hauself @leia - WHO doesn't want to call me Tinglebum? That's my favorite nickname. Also Subversive Crossstich is AWESOME!
@musecrossing I usually just gulp down air and then pay for it later. hahahhahaa. Be well, enjoy your Friday.
@hauself @leia or Tattoo'd on "me bum" so when I'm cleaning the words will tingle and remind me!
@musecrossing You focus on only one task at time, breath deeply, focus on that task and be thorough and in the present. Then next task.
@musecrossing Zen Cleaning is how I have to clean or I get overwhelmed at the enormity of my house cleaning goal.
Also now that I have washer and dryer, bedding will be done too! Badumbump! Thanks, I'll be here all week.
@leia My conservative council has spoken. I now go to do her bidding. Or technically my bidding. Bidding will be done, rest assured.
I'm this close to giving myself permission to take the rest of the day off, and put on my music and zen clean the house. *this close*


Evan Williams Mack D. Male Amanda Udoff Chris MacDonald Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Dobromir Hadzhiev E.T.Cook Paul Terry Walhus Manuel Viloria Peter Rothman Antonio Edward (jeff)isageek Dustin Jacobsen Kevin Lawver Randy Jason Calacanis George Kelly Manuel Don The Idea Guy Alan Bradburne Jennifer Woodard M Chaitanya Sagar ColeSmietana   christine shell Chris Brogan Graham English Bill Palmer Dave LaMorte Michael Bailey Becky McCray Alan Weinkrantz Amadis Wann Brian Clark Robert French
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