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in L.A. off wilshire waiting for a meeting. it's both sunny and smoggy....
Coffee. Then Oakland Airport to Burbank for a meeting in LA. Then home for 4-year anniversary dinner. Wish I got more sleep last night.
@adamwc It is a truly liberating feeling.
Seeing 700 unread items in my Google Reader gives me heart palpitations.
Just bought an eBook on writing white papers. We're planning on selling our own youth-centric papers on Ypulse. Any suggestions on pricing?
Very excited about Elvis Costello's new talk show. Love him:
@zakblogs I feel good -- not too sore. Looking forward to my next session on Monday.
@libbyjuju hahaha! No my J key is not stuck :)
I am addicted to emoticons in my emails. Someone please help me.
'people can express lovely ideas through the confines of a cell phone'
listening to talk of the nation discussing texting - not just for the youngsters. worth a listen.
@zakblogs it was sort of an intro private session so I did mat, reformer and the Cadillac thingee
@revkevgcc unfortunately, I don't know anyone there. Read about the site on
Just took my first pilates class - you do feel a little bit like you're in a medieval torture chamber.
We just passed 500 members in the Ypulse Linked In Group for youth media and marketing professionals. Yay!
Sunday: caught up with a good friend, walked on the beach, saw Australia, totally over the top melodrama yet somehow a perfect popcorn flick
dreading getting up at 6 a.m. to drive mom to the airport. Dreading even more the open house where strangers walk through our apartment
@splintergen thank you! I will definitely check it out.
Time for some new fiction to refresh the "finished" pile on my bedside table and for a vacation in January. Any suggestions?


Steve Dembo Rolando Brown noah kagan Chet Gulland Rex Sorgatz saskia wilson-brown christopher carfi Steve Hargadon jeremyet Jennifer Fader Lynne d Johnson Laina Dawes joi podgorny Benjamin Wagner Hammer Derek vvanpetten Kristy Duncan Nedra Weinreich kishizuka New_Moon John Davison Nancy Gruver robin sloan AmyStrecker RebeccaNewton LisaStone Dave Knox Penelope Trunk Joe Marchese Women 2.0 douglevin Melissa Walker LizFunk Jennifer Pamela Sellers