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@jeffbalke That just confused the hell out of me.
@coffeegroundz She's great AND she cusses like a sailor. Fun for everyone!
This is going on the wishlist:
@dsilverman Neither did my husband. And he had to hear the LONG version (it involved Obama, wrapping paper, a fat girl and South Americans).
@dsilverman I had a dream about you last night. You were shrink-wrapping stacks of blue and green floppy discs. Seriously.
Um ... are they serious? I don't think you can legally leave the house wearing this stuff, let alone hit the gym:
Also, good morning!
I got coffee, sukkas!!!!! - Snowflakes and Christmas lights in the Heights.
Wow. Less than 3 months ago we were riding out a hurricane, and now snow. Strange world indeed.
Big old flakes in the Heights. Also, it's snowing.
INFP. You kids get off my lawn!!!! Or I'll cry.
Okay, it's kind of sneeting now. But for a minute there, I saw flakes!
Snow in the Heights! Snow in the Heights!
How about "sneet"? Or "slurries"?
I love that you guys are fighting about what to call the stuff that's falling from the sky. It's like watching the birth of language.
@brooklynbee LOL! I love that video. I even put it on my Facebook page this morning. You're right. It's all better now. :)
@jeffbalke I know, right? But I've been all freaked out ever since. I don't want earth to be a big fireball. Wait, it would be warmer ...
@brooklynbee Also, you should know your damn asteroid impact video has had me freaked out all day. That's some messed up sh!t.
Honestly, that's my favorite tweet in, well, ever.


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