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@ArtByChrysti Did they pull the news about the shoe? =\ That page loads but it has no story/info/pic/video on it. Hmmm. - ZLW (Zain's Laptop Wallpaper) #3 right now: Good morning everyone. :) Happy, hungry & thinking about things, p ...
@becausemarie Thanks Marie! It's awesome, yes!
@joek72 Hey joek72 :) Yes, it's underrated, and it's a very good movie. Blows #2 out of the water & creates its own legacy. - Zain's Laptop Wallpaper (ZLW) #2 right now: Pushing & Pulling Me Myself. This is how I feel. :)
WZM(Which Zain's Movie)1 Answer: "The Exorcist III" 1st Hint Last Hint :)
@carriekerpen Enjoy! :) Also, probably regular lines - mostly it may be tourists during the holidays who already have annual or other passes
The small Holistic Garden at JFKU is one of the best places in Pleasant Hill to sit & work on a laptop. Should eat here sometime.
WZM(Which Zain's Movie)1: Hint for hint 1:"I think the dead should shut up, unless there's something to say"
Yep, bought 1 thing at Hallmark. It's awesome. @besz
@linnetwoods Hi Linnet :) There are many wedding photographers around here, including @makuahine
Writing this to think over my shopping selection at Sunvalley Hallmark before I pay. Came to buy 1 thing & now have 17 items = $93. Hmm 0_0
Hotei Tomoyasu ftw - Zain's Laptop Desktop Background (ZLDB) #1 right now: Smile comes in different flavors. Thinking of m&m's & kit ...
Good morning everyone! How are you doing today? :) Time for another awesome day.
The moon doesn't appear bigger nor brighter tonight...why is everyone else saying it is? Hmmm. Oh snap! I'm looking at my room ceiling!! nvm
Yaaay! FREEZING awesomely & loving it! And realizing that once again [] I forgot things in Orange County today!
@eqx1979 Interesting indeed!
Rejaw offers a way to import all your Pownce notes [] once Pownce shuts down []
Heater in house not working. Property manager saying its PGE's responsibility. PGE says they can't come until the 18th. I'm going to fre ...


Christine Elea suki Julia Roy Matthew Campbell ChrisJF Iris Tsai Trey Philips Chrysanthe Tenentes Heather Carpenter Sockamillion Nick Dawson Nina Simon Bubs Wesabe Sherwin Techico Lee Robertson Greenpeace Intl. Gurukarm Virginia Dan Oliver judy shintani Amanda Jodi Church Sean Hanna boredandbloggin Shamelessly Sassy Shannon Whitley Valerie Batsmaroo Rob Miracle Christian Handley Nickikins Kate leah Peachpit