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Oh great! Jury duty summons for January 12th. I've managed all these years to get out of it but I don't think so this time.
Need a place to store your old junk? I got the guy for you!
@gimpbully Retweet: A few dont count. 1 a dup, 2 were fires and 2 depend on solid stream of water/urine. 25 ways to shock
got tired and bailed on the company party, now loading old photos on facebook
Going to my company Christmas party. I'm afraid to see some of these people drunk.
Going to Colorado Springs for work next week but I will get to hang out with Erin my 1 true Padawan. The student has become the teacher.
@pferguson All the cool kids hang out in the CER it's where the party is. want to live the glam life of a broadcast engineer? Didn't think so
@dssstrkl I think ass kissing since I just gave them a free upgrade.
Overheard outside: "don't worry David is the best, if it can be fixed he's the only one who can do it"
I'm sitting in the edit bay where apocalypse now was cut. I'm kinda nerding out right now. You can smell the history. W00t!!!
@hectorcortez HA! Retweet: "People are too busy watching CSI: Kansas and Law and Order: Crossguards."
@digitalkitty Had to bring up Jericho, the only show i enjoyed since Seaquest, now Pushing Dasies. Whats next? Chuck? Leave me something!
I am so sad they are canceling "Pushing Daisies" I'm guessing ABC or the general public at large just isn't ready for good television.
@marcpelletier I like the new MBP and the screen is fine, just gets dirty easy. Not as much glare as one would expect unless your outside.
At CHP training academy. It's nothing like the police academy movies!
10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1..1.. Happy New Year!
@comcastcare Please stop resetting my cable modem after every 500MB downloaded. Its not even torrents. I just stream alot of video.
@SyNDracuL exactly right! At the Hard Knox Cafe in San francisco. there is nothing good on this plate but oh so tasty!

Following Russell Gordon Andy Beach Darren Kitchen Ken Addison Leo Laporte Steve Barlow Neha  T. Paul Ward Gavin Purcell Dr. Kiki Sanford Mel Matsuoka IdaRose Sylvester kpereira deb_h Justin Pearson Mike J. Nichols Colleen Daniel D. Waynus lionelmarye Thomas Brock Zack Luye RRoethel Nic Baisley RebekahRobinson DorkmanScott zboy417 Mr. Glass JoeJoyce Patrick Norton John White Anarchtica shinigami052 phillip torrone plasticbugs