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@plasticbagUK use your insomnia to create long lost FireEagle comic book! ( or thoughts on Where 2.0 and SXSW )
Marketing genius: Kahlua offering to pay for office parties lost to budget cuts http://www.kahluasavestheho... Enter by Dec 7
@CollegeCram Flux in SMC FW attendance inversely proportional to events surrounding the film Twilight for some bizarre reason. #vargasl
Using dystopian mix of music ( Lords of Acid remix of Rob Zombie, Thomas Newman film scores, Death Cube K, Beyonce, Public Enemy ) to GTD.
RT from @ceedub via @rk "The next person to say 'Cyber Monday' gets a punch in the vagina" Twitter is liek totally hilarious today! WTF?
Proof some comedy writes itself "..The Great Chicken Crisis of 2008!" - BMO's equity analyst Kenneth Zaslow SRSLY
Got hostility for bashing outmoded term Cyber Monday by snarky press people. Starting campaign to change it to: FIBER NOM DAY! #jargonwatch
Has determined that "Cyber Monday" is a moronically simplistic bit of jargon used only by news room copy writers. "Cyber" was EoL' d in 2000
Mumbai coverage by old media criticized as too slow, inaccurate by citizen journalists using Twitter and Flickr...
Watching normally mellow, peaceful Icelanders go all aggro: ( Using new Youtube widescreen BTW )
Sushi and hot sake for-the-fucking-win !
Reading @timoreilly 's very formal paper on Twitter I could sum it up: Twitter is the Ralph Wiggum of teh interwebs
Re-Tweet @domesticdiva is in desperate search for a kidney donor for her daughter - read more at #callforhelp
This @timoreilly blog post is so full of WIN Puts two and two together. I was beginning to think I was only one!
Astounded my facetious, snarky comments about Big 3 automaker CEOs flying around in private jets is actually true
@vedo Just got word this is the music Motrin plans to run in background of all future advertising
On hold with the IRS, trying get my long lost "stimulus" check - On hold music is Tchaikovsky's nut cracker. WTF? #towerofbabel
Saw a Smart car at lunch ( Pointed at it & spoke the obligatory "ha ha" in my best Nelson voice ). Wish I had one. One year waiting list :(
@plasticbagUK ...speaking of Where 2.0...are you, FireEagle or anybody from The Brickhouse going to be there? Seems almost mandatory.
Listening to Elvis Costello, debating whether to submit idea to Where 2.0, noticing few seem to get the real issue of "where" - the battery!


rabble Blaine Cook danah boyd seanbonner Mr Messina Caterina Veronica Belmont Tantek Çelik Tom Coates Bradley Horowitz Mickipedia Frances Ryan King Kent    Erica OGrady             whurley Chad Dickerson microformats Prentiss Riddle David Recordon Jay Phillips Emily Price Grant Robertson Dave Troy Zoetica Ebb Barack Obama Ariel Waldman moo Money 1Tim Street Ryan Block Yahoo! Fire Eagle Ynema Mangum Doc Searls Vikki K Stevens Lynn