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what a bad day. @elsamary, I'll miss you.
feeling obese, I have got to get back into a regimen.
Roasting a chicken, Zuni Cafe style.
oh, taco truck. you make me happy when skies are grey.
thinking that compared to my high school days I look like a grizzled old man
I tihnk the CIA link to the Mumbai attacks is weak - but I wouldn't be surprised if it pans out.
This cold is defeating me & the crash in San Diego is depressing me. I am going home.
The Untouchables, indeed. "even the most cynical agents in our office were shocked" - @JFP it's not partisan.
@JFP - that's a done deal, but sure, the more daylight the better
the valiant Patrick Fitzgerald takes down a governor; that should make Bush-Cheney a bit easier -
Dressing up like @barne.
Going home in the dark.
Finished off @mager's mashed potatos 'deluxe' atop a shepherd's pie - this resulted in a shallow pool of butter which had to be sponged off.
Everyone asleep already; watching the original Willy Wonka while scarfing pumpkin pie like Augustus Gloop.
Getting ready to go to a bday party of someone I don't really know.
Celebrating the repeal of Prohibition @ 21st Amendment in SF makes me happy, but nuclear-armed Tehran does not -
Prop 8 - The Musical: hilarious. Jack Black as Jesus Christ. Must-see TV -
OH - "I partied *hard* back in my ostrich-ranching days." - @unijuglr -- WTF?
TPM reports that the sucking sound you hear is the parachute not deploying -


Carl Harris bernie Erik H Tom Merritt Andrew Mager John The J Beth Blakely John Bryan Peabody Erica Ogg Robert ScottP elsa lasagna  aperobot Chris Robertson Jason Howell Arquay Thomas Erik Kokkonen Nicole Solis aclottmann marcm noName barne craic Gautama Swamy mc_aperobot Chris Hamm pairofbrowneyes gigglegirl sargon97 Adam Goldband wileyandresss Pete von Petrin BrandonS