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Arthas I'm coming for you!
Going to check the 7-11 for a slightly early copy of Wrath. Wish me luck.
On this day in which US citizens will elect a new president I have written a completely non-political rant:
Do not fear what the response may be, only be fearful if there isn't one.
@Poshy Well done on your new site, you brilliant little Canadian :)
According to I haven't designed or coded anything since 2005, didn't realize it had been that long.
Riddled with too much anxiety to sleep.
Listening to Beirut and pondering love and sexuality. who played on my realm has died. Wasn't that long ago I did some enchants for him, RIP.
@jpleger consumer ignorance, brand recognition, advertising, and store placement all conspire to guarantee sale of crapware
@Poshy words can't explain it? I got you covered with numerals....."42"
Colin Powell throwing some logic and reason at the people just makes me all tingly inside.
@Poshy I'd love to have a further dialogue on the topic but unfortunately 140 character limit really dilutes any point I'd like to make :(
@poshy While a direct democracy with a socialist economy is a grand idea it'll never happen in the states. At least not in our lifetimes.
Bored out of my mind. Come have a smoke with me and lets converse in monologues like a Kevin Smith movie.
Short post touching upon topic of abortion brought up in the debate the other night.
zomgz I has new blog post and yea I get totally political on your ass. w3rd.
For those of us planning to raid in WOTLK this: http://raidcomp.mmo-champio... is an amazing tool.
New Cold War Kids and Kings of Leon LPs to listen to = lovely evening
Soo happy "Pushing Daisies" is back. Lead actor is also amazing in movie "The Fall", you must all watch both!


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