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@bpanulla Sure have. Spammers and marketers are moving to social media, figuring that's where they can reach people. (Us too, really.) #2013
@chrisredding This is them realizing what the legal limits are of what they're doing, I suspect. Logo's legally protected. #2013
@bpanulla Yep, they're squatters, to some extent. But this is widespread and organized, which makes it seem conspiracy-ish. #2013
Just had a good chat with Jack at Inside Higher Ed about the #2013 issue.
Penn State's #2013 group just had its picture changed from our official sports logo to a shot of the football team going through the tunnel.
RT @bradjward: IF you work in Higher Ed, read this and pass it along. Class of 2013 + Facebook = Potential Disaster.
@markgr Oh, I hope he'll be all right. Best thoughts going out to you both.
@sparkleyturtle More like they don't entirely understand how I do what I do, more likely. Don't often work w/tech-savvy folks, it seems.
There are so many times when I really want to interrupt people saying they're amazed at my work with: "but it's WHAT i DO."
My favorite quotes from my last day: "I'm going to delete the student biological now" and "next time I'm going to include blood type."
@draftmotif Wow, that's terrible. It varies for me on occasion too, but most often I see 40. Bet they change it with demand.
@jcollier Definitely (or at least I can hope). And definitely will.
May very well lose track of Twitter folks as I wind up the last few days at my current job. page=40 limit just can't keep up with you guys.
@markgr Congrats! Fantastic news. Good luck.
@tomaswk Moving's planned for the 21st-22nd. Cramming it in before family holiday gatherings.
@jdwcornell Which is the exact opposite of what they should request. It's a teach a man to fish/give him the fish proposition.
@sleary It's a hard sell, gotta tell you.
@tomaswk After Penn State, I'm headed to University of Illinois at Chicago.
Never a good sign when you have to decide between finishing work or documenting it for your successor. Only a few days left here.
Good sign or bad sign? @tsand has been the highlight of my day for sending me @bradjward's 1000 pennies. Pass 'em around! ;)


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