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It's cold and windy here. We have sundogs!
@brutonnb That's terrible. And things like that have to happen on the weekend.
@jayrosen_nyu Will Bush will have to settle for "worst president since Buchanan"? He still has time for further failure.
Same sex marriage was briefly allowed in IA in 2007. The matter is currently being deliberated by the IA Supreme Court.
AG Jerry Brown asks CA Supreme Court to void Prop 8. Ken Starr will argue on behalf of Prop 8.
World's cacao crop is threatened by witch's broom and frosty pod. Help is coming from Mars.
Good morning. I've got nothing to say but it's OK.
Franken now leading Coleman in MN Senate recount.
@MarkMayhew I guess I'm thinking of twitter spambots.
Religion vs religosity.
@MarkMayhew Guy sounds like a grade A asshat. And he's proud to have created twitter bots? Retweeting:
Another parting gift from the Bush admin: Medical Conscience Rule.
Congrats to Michael Renoe!
Levi Johnston's mom may not be able to make it to the wedding.
@bjsmith RAGBRAI is a profitable entity? I know venders have to pay a fee to sell during it, but I thought that just covered costs.
Sure, rub it in! Retweeting @alexgamela: out for some coffee in the sun
Bush: under present circumstances it would be irresponsible to let auto industry go bankrupt. Ergo, Senate GOP minority is irresponsible.
@abigvictory I can't even imagine where that last tweet is coming from.
@MommyJenna Its coming down as freezing rain. I hope we don't get an ice sheet. That's what cuts power and causes havoc.
Ice storm now in progress in Iowa.


Ruby Sinreich Chris Brogan Whitney Hoffman Sarah Lewis Matt Heerema Lilly Evans Brian Ibbott Naum Trifanoff Barack Obama Derek Colanduno Wil Wheaton Katie NYTimes: Science mark mayhew Brent @ BikeRide Oliver Willis Scott McLeod Phil Plait Lee Stranahan Karen Janowski BrettTrout Moya Watson Michele Catalano Erin Kotecki Vest Patrick Cainam Potts Pam Spaulding Robert Morrison taylormarsh PZ Myers Volker Weber HumanityCritic Carla Hufstedler Guy Kawasaki Knownhuman lgulden Aliya Zehra Zaidi
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