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Caltrain overrun by 8 year olds, some kind of birthday party. I want to die.
kanye west can't sing, not even his voicemodulator thing can fix it
I want to look for stuff with the highest number of 1 and 5 star ratings
@henry_maddocks not sure if I want to cross compile oginamura for arm cpu and statically link it in? :( I ended up using NSScanner
Apple ObjC has no regex library and so instead you have to wrap regex.h which is lame posix and doesn't support non-greedy expressions
UIKit protocols seem to contain all optional methods. But they extend from NSObject (protocol) to enforce the implementors are objects; Cool
If you keep getting the "____ was downloaded from the Internet" messages over and over, fix by doing Option 2:
we used to be number 10, now we permanenenenenenent 1
I just accidentally typed CGCokeZero
I won the 1111th review request trophy
team name winner from edinburg castle trivia last night: "My Big Fat Greek Riot'
New Yelp IPhone version 1.1 is out. Photos, Categories, Search Paging, Canada support and more...
from xkcd blag: export PS1='C:${PWD//\//\\\}>'
sleep... thats where I am a viking
I dig write-only stuff like Drop Boxes and /dev/null. It would be better if all anonymous content on the internet was write-only.
Where has the "Treat warnings as errors" setting in XCode gone? Where can I add the gcc flag manually?
UIButton is garbage ≥ nextbus
everytime I see that Urbanspoon iPhone commercial, a little part of me dies inside
parsec is a unit of distance not speed.. geeeeeez


neil k Kyle Svante Adermark Doug March jwhitmire Darth Vader Chris Wanstrath hotdogsladies John Resig Matt Legend Gemmell Michael Marotta Barack Obama Scott Simpson Joe Hewitt Corey Donohoe MacRumorsLive Jonathan Coulton Assaf Arkin Adam Lisagor Wil Shipley Corey L. Ezra Zygmuntowicz why the lucky stiff Dion Almaer Awapy Eddie Frederick Jesse Kuhnert Seon Lee Min Kim Alex Eagle wycats LayerTennis Warren Konkel Dr Nic danamorse Adam Bair