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time to go sleeps... nite all. tomorrow's gonna be an interesting day :)
Question: Is day old pizza, breakfast food? and if so, cold or heated?
is having a Tom Collins.. want one? - Two deers right outside our home.. don't see this everyday..
@UMLGuy that's what my wife says too.. but who cares! bbq is good anytime of the day or night... :)
@crazeegeekchick it was TOTALLY delicious. great breakfast food too..
yum! nothing can be better than pulled pork BBQ smothered in thick sweet sauce loaded with Habanero Tabasco spice for breakfast!
this is soooo bloody useful! to get rid of all those irritating stupid questions u get from lazy ppl
Guys, you need to watch this :
@htc when are you guys going to come out with a Clamshell Diamond? Bring the ERATO back! please!
Good Morning everyone! What are you having for Breakfast today? i had friend wontons and coffee.
@therocco oh the Star Trek was the best for me, as were the Typhoon, Dash, BJ2 and now the Treo Pro. wish they released the Erato.
@crutkas most definitely :)
love the S740 but i'm back to the Treo pro. Come on HTC, where's your CLAMSHELL DIAMOND!?!? that's what I'd like. Bring the Erato back.
omw back home.. heard there's a pretty sunset view of mt rainier. someone take pics!
Web 3.0 = the Phone. Agree?
just whipped out 8 new Windows Mobile phones for a show and tell...
How can anyone get 100% on this song.. amazing.
retweeting @rohant: Obama seen sporting a Zune while working out -
heading to Sonny Bryan's for some BBQ.


Mary Hodder Tara missrogue Hunt JD Kevin Cawley Jason Calacanis Tamon Daniel Newman ribot Chris Brogan Beth Kanter Veronica Belmont Pat OffBeatMammal Beth Nicole Lee Robert Scoble Neil Cowburn kris krug Major Nelson (Larry) Eris Stassi francine hardaway    Erica OGrady Frank Arrigo Jeremiah Thomas Hawk Jeff Sandquist Mark Chernesky Nate Westheimer Paul Walsh Kevin Rose Leon Chris Saad Eric Rice Nic Fillingham neil woodgate Larry Larsen
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