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Just got back from a hilariously fun dinner with @ivyrobinson and her crew....this is shaping up to be a great Detroit weekend!
New site is up! Got to make some changes and updates but still!
Just for the record, playing poker on one's iPhone doesn't count as hanging out.
I was actually woken up at 7am by a jackhammer outside my window. Really, Brooklyn? Was that necessary? Also, oh look....still gray out.
Off to get the kids from school. Looking out the window I'd say the sky is at oh, 80% grayscale.
i just got an im that my production manager in florida is not working and is listening to hitler rant about the d3x on the internet.
My new site will be active so soon. Now if the galleries would just oh, organize themselves and crop themselves so I don't have to do it
Why is every day up here gray? I don't mind the cold at all but where is the SUN?
I can't sleep. This seems to be a persistent theme in my life.
I love how Gossip Girl portrays Brooklyn like some third world country. Hello, the Humphreys live in a DUMBO loft, they're not slumming it.
i think my to do list just slapped me in the face.
if you haven't gone to the movies to see Slumdog Millionaire you need to go. RIGHT NOW. it's wonderful.
Up half the night getting this Extreme Makeover to WHCC. Their generosity blows me away.
today i worked with extreme makeover : home edition to create portrait art for the family's new home. no words for what an honor that was.
Photo mission complete. Now to turn around the tomorrow. Details forthcoming but first, dinner.
the new google reader is stupid looking and seeing the new look upsets me more than it should. i don't LIKE change.
@JefnJul, @cliffmautner and I are doing's an amazing day with an unbelievable family. It's a real honor to be here.
I was just ordered to "don't Twitter that!" over dinner. I love that I have to be told to NOT Twitter something
On a supersecret photographic mission. I can't tell you where I am or what I'm doing. I can tell you that I'm hungry, though.
There is such a thing as too much air travel.


Dooce Disney Diaries Kelly McWilliams ingafinch Jeff Rodgers Joy Nudd imageisfound jessica claire jonathanboyett charophoto tonybisson katiejervis Chris Cook Susan Yee John Edgar allisonrodgers kallimap kbimagephoto [ b ] e c k e r marybethtyson karlinconnell lauranovak cliffmautner jakattack cheninboutwell dougboutwell ivyrobinson JefnJul Matt Radlinski