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6 year old: "Did you have babies before or after you were married?" Lolz.
Dear Alltel. Please don't send me a $360 bill 6 months later with no explanation. That's not cool.
@thomasknoll That was a perfect chance for "mah hawt wife" and you blew it. Next time.
I almost hugged my neighbor that lent me his real snowblower.
@djakes That made me laugh at me. I needed that.
@paulrwood If I'm reading your Tweet right, we could make this @teampaulwood thing happen in Phily. :)
@ryanbretag If YouTube were a stand-alone search engine, it would rank 2nd to Google in terms of all Internet searches. Interesting data.
I'm getting on my snowmobile to Chicago to visit @djakes and @ryantbretag for pizza.
@nharm Thanks for helping us at WiscNet today! Great Web 2.0 showcase with ~55 people...all over web conference!
Wow. Chrysler just announced it's closing for a month.
My wife didn't even get that joke.
Rejected NECC Proposal: David Jakes, Twitter, and You - A Primer in Social Media for Educators
@dlaufenberg I'm set to arrive in at around noon on the Friday of Educon.
@dlaufenberg On a related note, is the winter Philadelphia mystery cabbage coming in? I'm getting excited for late January!


Evan Williams danah boyd Ross Scott Beale thomasknoll Jason Calacanis Steve Dembo Chris Brogan Dennis D. McDonald Beth Kanter Andrea Mercado Lee LeFever Jennifer Maddrell gsiemens Angela Gunn Jeff O'Hara Beth Raney Hugh MacLeod Wendy Thomas Jeffrey Zeldman Graham Stanley jessamyn west Michelle Levesque  Anna Adam Kaia Ewan McIntosh Adriaan Tijsseling microformats Eric A. Meyer AKMA timlauer Lucy Gray Joi Ito Steve Rubel Scott Anderson  Alec Couros
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