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I have a feeling when all of this is over I'll never want to see another cookie frosted or not EVER again... would healthier that way
I feel like I have flour all over me
@AunestyJ buying baking items for a friend who got a huge last min rush order for 36 doz cookies
@CraigBerger sugar cookies frosted with sprinkled
I bought her a 25lb bag of flour seriously this thing is like wrestling the worlds largest holiday cookie
Car in parking lot of SAMs with bumper sticker that says "buy American" uhhhh.... Hello??
Going to SAMs for BooBoo who has to bake 36 doz cookies by Thursday
@shortyawards I nominate @joeschmitt for a Shorty Award in #humor because I've never heard such great incitement humor before in my life!
@BlogNetNews oh wow - comfy... wishing you much luck today!
@kbondelli awww well - at least I wasnt alone in the sadness - you ok? haven't heard from you in a while
took girls to see Tuna Christmas funnest part was snooty people in front row who wouldn't laugh whole time! Stick from Ass removal service?
@stevegarfield thanks for the follow back great to meet you
@shortyawards I nominate @joeschmitt for a Shorty Award in #humor because I've never heard indictment humor like this even from SNL
@adamconner what a great idea! I will recommend it to all House candidates! Important things politicians should know
@joeschmitt oh... wow... that is hilarious truly
@erinrealworld oh wow... now THAT is somethin else ;)
rt @katbarr "Youth FTW" session fabulous. Green jobs, health care, economy, climate change - watch out, we're coming! #rcdc08
@davidphelps hope its sign of great things to come!
@davidphelps sad on one end but hopeful for the LGBT movement in convincing young evangelicals


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