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Amsterdam Falafel ALWAYS seems like a much better idea at 3am than it does the day after.
Watched The Simpsons Movie last night. Was Impressed - pretty good plot and it looked GREAT on my TV.
Can someone DM the #twittersecret?
Frustrated with RCN. Will be calling their Customer Service department AGAIN on Monday. This is simply RIDICULOUS.
@adamostrow I make a point of not matching my socks. I buy the same type but different colors. My way of fighting the system.
@declutteryou @skeevis we just finished off the sushi leftovers. :)
@20sb When is the #20sbmeetup taking place?
@henrim Isn't it already the afternoon? :) I'll come next time. Definitely should have things like this on my radar.
1Haven't slept this late in long time. Woke up @ 12 EXACTLY. 2Trying 2 figure out why lost some followers yesterday. 3Should I be @ #rcdc08?
Is anything going on in the district tonight that I should be at?
This is what sushi for 12 looks like:
Getting ready for Sushi Shabbat! Yum!
Has anyone noticed that Pandora now has (audio) ads?
Birthdays get lost in the Facebook redesign, dontchya think?
I am Cranky McCrankerville today... It's a good thing the day's almost over! Hopefully I'll be back to my usual perky self sooooooooooooooon
Anyone try Pastebud (iPhone copy/paste app) yet?
Bookmarked: Washingtonian Gift Guide: Gifts for Less Than $30
Just spilled coffee all over my "Facebook Best Practices for Non-Profits" guide. Eeek. No more caffeine for me.
I take that back! I just couldn't find the RSS button :)


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