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Or I should say Jersey Boys production 'o'
Trying to find other things to do in Denver beside basketball -- Anyone seen The Jersey Boys play?
Beautiful sunny day and still nursing a cold but am feeling much better...Laundry to do!
Basketball tomorrow night.... Hope it doesn't snow!
Why is it that most relatively new Christmas movies are really awful? Anyone have some good suggestions for decent holiday movies?
gmail really needs to get back - get new - decent theme settings. They are just AWFUL for the most part
About 6 inches of snow here... The big white fluffy stuff... Very pretty and very chilly.
"Fred gave Ginger class, and Ginger gave Fred sex."
Woke up to another winter wonderland and quite the head cold... Time to wrap more presents! Nestling up before a fire with some hot cider ☺...
Good Night World!
Off to Rapid City today to do a little Christmas shopping, mail some packages and spend time with daughter and granddaughter... Fun day!
Finally home and just got done talking to Joey about basketball...Sports can be rough for a teen and I'm very proud of him,
Heading out to a Christmas exchange will occur...I'm also doing a little devotion 'o' These things make me a might bit nervous.
Debating on when to make fudge and whether to mail it out this year??? '-'
@timoni The Best Gift by Barbra Streisand, What Child is This Johnny Mathis,...many, many more
Just watched Little Women while wrapping presents... Love that movie ☺
There is something so relaxing about Christmas music...Even songs like, "I'll have a blue Christmas without you.."....Ba-ba-ba--lewwwww..
More Christmas shopping accomplished! Yeah!
School is out early due to snow.... Time for me to do something constructive around here. Have a great afternoon!
Sometimes Christmas shopping can be a pain -- free shipping but at check out no free shipping! :/


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