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@missepeshu: Oh, I forgot a morpheme. Plasma AAAApheresis. They sucked it out of me to give to some poor Scrubs character.
Got a plasma pheresis appt tomorrow, drinking liquids tonight so I don't go all swoony.
@youngamerican knows I'm on Twitter now. This might be my big break!
Did I really leave my AC adapter at Coffee Bar? Really?
To untar multiple files: for i in *.tar.gz; do tar -xvzf $i; done
@irons: I expected better too, but the Aladdin bit was pretty great.
Wow. I really needed to do those push-ups.
@lauraoatning: fixed now. It said Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in /cgi-bin/ning.cfg/scripts/enduser/common_adp.phph on l ...
@Ning: did you know is borked? Syntax errors.
Fueled with Philz, gonna do some early morning recording of Yiddish folk songs for the chorus rehearsal tapes.
@RobLoach: thanks for the heads-up on the WYSIWYG API. First I've heard of it, but I'll work it (and its creator?) into the presentation.
@jichikawa: congrats on the diplomacy!
Dear I can't sell you my computer parts unless you remove your overly-strict blacklist filter so that we may correspond.
Finally put DD-WRT on the WRT54G router I got for that purpose a few years ago. Nice interface!
We have emerged from DSL hell! Finally have what looks like reliable internet.
Downloading Songbird, writing documentation and enjoying a day in the Mission.
Harvey Milk: a fucking hero.
Buying tickets to Israel, Toronto and points beyond.


Mr Messina Phillip Smith James Walker Sean McDonald John Gruber nikkiana Dan Wilson tycho garen Gabriel Mansour Sean O'Steen Andrew Hoppin Gina Trapani Kieran Huggins Joan Touzet Adam Lisagor Michael Haggerty Nat Irons Gandalfe Jesse Thorn Sunir Shah Jane Zhang Brian Leubitz Nolan Treadway Leigh Honeywell Tim Moore Sharon Troy Kaffy gutelius Benjy Stewart Berkeley Coworking Sean Reilly janeanger plusbryan Ning Eric Nehrlich Stewart Mader