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Baratunde quoted in this NYT article about YK:
4 climate presenters trained by Al Gore giving updated Inconvenient Truth @9am in room 106
1938 viewers on
547 viewing Hillary on ustream
Hillary just entered her breakout session.
Yes, only YK totebags allowed into prez leadership forum.
There will be no 8am keynote Saturday. The regular schedule picks up again at 9am. Sleep in, Kossacks!
UPDATE: Hillary Clinton confirmed 4 breakout tomorrow @ noon in S106. Must have wristband to attend.
listening to Joe Trippi
Leaving Lamont session to wander around the vendor room. Hope to run into @mlsif
Room 10c was completely oversubscribed (Westen talk on emotions). Passed Larouche PAC crossing street on way back.
Going to Drew Westen talk after lunch in 10c.
Any poll questions you want us to ask on the big screens? Send them to
Hi Ruby! At politics 2.0 panel
Goodnight YKos! @baratunde you were hilarious!
What did you think of the wiffiti sms screens?
Overheard that Durbin won't be here in person tonight. :-(
Inside the main ballroom now setting up Wiffiti screens.
Tks everybody. what I really want is a slideshow widget.
Anyone got a good recco for a flickr widget that shows all public photos w specific tag?


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