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@ChefJoAnna Ethiopian food is awesome, what I've had anyway. So many tasty cuisines, so little time. #nom
@icelander you say that as if you didn't already know that government dictates and enforces laws capriciously
@phillipsnyder ha! that's good then. you at least have fair warning.
drinking coffee spiced with cardamom. it's very good.
@hearsmusic yeah, he's great. I also love his podcast: "The Diner"
RT @Lileks: Dog recovered from eating spicy chicken;we are girding for the gaseous coda.Which will be silent.Only other dogs hear dog-wind.
Wilco's "Can't Stand It" is absolutely my theme song today. That or..."Born of Frustration" from James.
@WiseGrass just need a hovercraft! runs on snow and water. high nerd cred too.
wife just called from Harrisburg and said traffic's a total mess. I guess Front Street's closed by Shipoke for flooding.
God Bless you Jon Stewart for taking Mike Huckabee to task for his stance on gay marriage. equal rights for all people! equal rights now!
@koskim talk to @chefjoanna she lives in Nashville.
@allwein sent me a link to a pic of an MMA fighter breaking his leg. I feel his pain ALL THE WAY FROM HERE.
@jewdy7 hon, my wife knows 13 ways to quietly and bloodlessly kill a person. I think she learned at Mother Ninja school.
@jewdy7 you can try, but I think you'll get beat down at the door
new carpet is in the living room! w00t!
@allwein hmmm. tempting. what'd you get?
@jessroman no, I think it only works the other direction: GH instruments work with Rock Band. that's what I was told.
@jessroman I'm thinking we'll get Rock Band for the PS3 and then maybe one of the older Guitar Heros for the extra instrument.


Biz Stone wil wheaton Xeni Jardin Aaron Gotwalt Scott Beale ScottyZ Mark Frauenfelder Chris Brogan Dina John Gruber Gedeon Maheux Scott McNulty jimbo wales Mr Anderson Christopher dearsarah Dave Caolo James Lileks Fake Henry Rollins Manatee hotdogsladies Scott Kurtz Rock H. Norris D.J. Coffman Mignon Fogarty Matt Garber Andrew Gwozdziewycz MA Barack Obama Meg Fowler Jason Trommetter Gina Trapani Joseph Szala Wil Wheaton
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