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Realizing that if my Grandfather didn't flee to Taiwan in 1949, I would have the pinyin last name of Xiong. And then I would be Ernie X.
Sunny but cold day in Dolores Park. Not surprisingly, no gay sunbathers.
Lazyweb: I don't have Powerpoint and have to give my first presentation in Boston in 2 weeks. Any suggestions on what you use?
@reiver I'm an OpenSocial Developer Advocate at Ning; let me know if there's any way I can assist you!
@richtaur Oh shit. You win. [turns off computer, walks away]
Programming is like sex in that I'm better actually TALKING about it instead of... uhmm... nevermind. :|
Programming is like sex in that it both involves a small turtle that travels in a square forever. (C'mon, folks! LOGO is awesome.)
Programming is like sex: it's really awkward to do when your co-workers are looking over your shoulders, judging you.
OH: I used to kill frogs. Had to chop their nuts off and spin them in a centrifuge.
At a Facebook/OpenSocial meetup in Palo Alto, waiting to poke a bunch of people
@kyleford Holy crap, you too? Which is weird, because I'm doing the exact same thing and I'm in an office.
How did I miss the fact that my favorited tweets were publicly accessible?
Sending good vibes to all my friends at Yahoo! and Brickhouse today.
@ericbogs Scott Rockenfield? Really? Well... at least he doesn't have long hair? ha ha ha?
Gay OH: I'm just smitten because his favorite two bands are Vixen and Queensryche. Which is TOTALLY AWFUL, but they're not Cher or Madonna.
@yi I told her that. And mom was all, YOUR MOTHER CAN NOT SLEEP ON FLOOR!! [sigh] Ai-ya.
No Mom, just because your siblings doesn't have a place for you to stay in Taiwan doesn't mean that no one loves you. Jesus.
Juggling between OpenSocial spec writing ang listening to Mom having buyers remorse about an Xmas trip to Taiwan.
@7au Show me... PARANOID SKITZOPHRENIC! Survey says...! [ding]
Worked from home to try to concentrate on writing these docs. Which meant that going to RitRo was a BAD idea. (Now at Mission Creek Cafe.)


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