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(Any trans followers outraged at the previous joke's implications - _please_ understand that I'm being ironic. Probably.)
Lazytwitter: I keep getting followed by these "hottest chicks on twitter" accounts. So. How do I tell them that they're technically gay?
It's a sad state of affairs when a $40 "gift experience card" can morally oblige you to visit a volcano. Anyway- Merry Christmas, Mum!
Sure, you hear a lot about the Kraken _waking_. But does he make the bed when he's done? No. He fucking doesn't.
People say sunrises are not as pretty as sunsets. They have never been chased by vampires.
Just saw the pilot doing coke in the bathroom. He did "here comes the airplane!" though, so you can tell he cares about his job.
The middle-aged, overweight dance/ballet teacher. Cliché, stereotype, or archetype?
Her: My vagina doesn't have a *personality*. Me: Sure it does. If you prick it, does it not bleed? Or even if you don't!
I don't know what I like more; making these cheese sandwiches, or eating them. Or Batman.
Her: "Malcolm Gladwell is *not* determining when our child is born." Me: "No. His _book_ is."
Her: What is our rule about shtick in the morning? Me: *Sigh* No shtick in the morning
Back from 'Role Models'. Elizabeth Banks is too pretty to be the lawyer. She'd be, like, an actress or som- Ohhhhhhhhhhh.
McCain has eight houses, but none of them feel like home. It's just not the same without the bamboo.
'Emotional IQ Test' foisted upon me by @clapifyoulikeme has revealed nothing. Maybe should have been more honest. About that hobo I killed.
I sometimes wonder why all those pretty waitresses aren't doing something else. Then this one gets me Caesar, not Ranch, and I know. I know.
Banging on roof next-door. No-one should build things before 11. I may expand this theory to cover hours 12, 1, 2, 3 and 4. ...And 5.
Hey, you wanna buy a car? Company?
Guys? Could a bunch of you follow @clapifyoulikeme, please? Seriously, she's withholding sex 'til she hits 300. Send help.
If your name is Orville Redenbacher, you really only have 2 choices: sell popcorn, or make a wager to travel the globe in a blimp.
Abby just balked at my mention of the "New" Testament. Or maybe it was my bacon sandwich. ...Or my swastika.


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