Avery Edison’s Favorites

Ben Compton
bcompton No, son, we don't OWN that movie. We own a plastic disc & an obligation to watch that movie with the blinds down so no strangers "steal" it.
emilybrianna This morning Quinn, as Optimus Prime, announced that he would not be attending the robot battle; he planned on surfing and living in peace.
Jay Hathaway
strutting We've replaced your regular life with Twitter. Let's see if you notice!
Josh Donoghue
awryone Ever inadvertently start a porn flick on your iPhone in front of your mom? That's a bad touch. Screen.
President Monteiro
Mike_FTW Just saw The Day the Earth Stood Still. Time stood still as well.
Detweiler, Brian
detweiler Do you guys miss me tweeting from the bar? God, I sure do.
Abby Spice
clapifyoulikeme EDIT: It eats black panties, not it is black and eats panties. It is monster-colored. As in, the color of monsters, not colored by monsters.
Neven Mrgan
nevenmrgan It's over. Dear god, it's over. We've finally identified Good Kitty. She was right under our noses the whole time, like a fuzzy Keyser Söze....
Jeffrey Zeldman
zeldman If I'm ever accused of a serious crime, I'll want a tireless defender who never lacks for a counter-argument. I'll hire my four-year-old.
Abby Spice
clapifyoulikeme There are giant icicles falling off my house. I should probably collect them. You know, for when I need to commit the perfect murder.
Neven Mrgan
nevenmrgan Hour six of interrogation, and the cat still hasn't broken down and revealed the identity of Good Kitty. Who is it? WHO, damn you?
Amy Jane Gruber
AmyJane Well, it's the day we get the Christmas tree. It's also the day, each year, that we come closest to getting a divorce.
mogrify Damn, things are so bad in D.C., not even the Obamas can find a place to stay.
Rod Knowlton
toldorknown News Flash: 20% of teens say they've put nude pics of themselves online. Math Flash: 28.5% of teens are 18 or older and free to do that.
Tony Delgrosso
Tony_D WHERE DID MY COFFEE MUG GO? I JUST HAD IT A.. oh.. there it is. Carry on, everyone. Crisis averted.
Adam Koford
apelad My dentist told me the back of my bottom teeth is the most important place to brush. That better be true or I just wasted 3 hours of my life
canuckgrrrl The "Mamma Mia" movie is so gay, there's a big cum shot right in the middle of it.
Abby Spice
clapifyoulikeme Yes, Favrd is sometimes slow, doesn't count tweets, overcounts them, or crashes, but STOP SAYING MEAN THINGS OR @TEXTISM MIGHT TAKE IT AWAY.
Ryan Drake
Rayke The number of 1-2 star Tweets on my @Favrd page really perpetuates the jewish stereotype of "disappointing your mother".
Abby Spice
clapifyoulikeme The power is out. You know what that means...RUN AROUND NAKED TIME!!!


Nick Douglas President Monteiro fake mat honan Christopher Clark John Gruber Shawn Morrison Neven Mrgan Jim Ray teh_real_chock Tony Delgrosso Ben Tesch Jeffrey Zeldman Jeff Barszcz Elizabeth Chuck Dean Cameron Allen nostrich Joshua Green Allen Amy Jane Gruber Steven Frank Jon Deal Ryan Drake J. Adam Moore Tim Siedell Scott Simpson Ben Compton Jim Kubicek Jason Kottke Karl Gunnarsson marie linder Geoff Barnes Erik Price Simon Goetz Steven Ray Orr Remiel Jay Hathaway Adam Lisagor
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